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Political posts ! ?
16 May 2013, 08:56,
RE: Political posts ! ?
(15 May 2013, 22:54)Carnebwen Wrote: Stop noticing patterns! We are the same and equal lalala can't hear youuuuu,

Fair response.

To BDG and BP, both very good points.

My point is, the reduction in the economy isn't because of immigrants. It's because of people borrowing more than they can afford. Cheap credit, remortgages on homes, home equity loans, and 120% mortgages! The fishing lakes and swans being eaten is a fair point. That's an Eastern European created issue, granted. But on average, the UK crime rate, for this quarter at least, has decreased.

As for how it's relevant to prepping, most political posts that appear on here are not coupled with information on how to prep for it. There are posts that go along the lines of "It's it bad that people are moving to this country and screwing us over!?!?" Instead of creating an alternative response and a plan of action, such as "I'm looking into a second passport incase immigration gets too bad....etc."

This is a survival and prepping forum, not a women's nagging/bitching club about the issues of the world. If you want to join that nagging club that do nothing about solving the issues we face, go join the House of Lords and become an MP. Then you can bitch about political crap for as long as you want, without offering an alternative solution to the issue at hand.

That, from the best of my understanding, is why SD is shutting down so many political posts.

Personally, I love to hear them and stay up to date with what's going on. But, in regards to my preps, the posts don't add any substance, they don't cause me to reassess my preps, and they don't provide a new perspective on my actions. Some of the posts are helpful, ALL are interesting, but in regard to prepping, few are directly relevant.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
16 May 2013, 09:09,
RE: Political posts ! ?
EVERYTHING that happens IS relevant because its all connected, it all has a drip, drip feed into what happens further down the road. take immigrants just as a point, they come here, they take housing away from the local inhabitants who have probably been on the waiting list for 10,15,20 years, they accept lower wages so they depress the pay rates, they put pressure on the NHS-cos they've all got health problems...TB is now rife in some London Boroughs but at one point before full scale immigration was exterminated in this country, the services - Electric, gas, sewerage is all put under extra strain cos of the increased numbers, pretty soon the whole system collapses under the strain and low and behold TSHTF!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 May 2013, 09:21,
RE: Political posts ! ?
(16 May 2013, 09:09)bigpaul Wrote: EVERYTHING that happens IS relevant because its all connected, it all has a drip, drip feed into what happens further down the road. take immigrants just as a point, they come here, they take housing away from the local inhabitants who have probably been on the waiting list for 10,15,20 years, they accept lower wages so they depress the pay rates, they put pressure on the NHS-cos they've all got health problems...TB is now rife in some London Boroughs but at one point before full scale immigration was exterminated in this country, the services - Electric, gas, sewerage is all put under extra strain cos of the increased numbers, pretty soon the whole system collapses under the strain and low and behold TSHTF!

I will requote something I've already said via a simple cut and paste procedure...
This is a survival and prepping forum, not a women's nagging/bitching club about the issues of the world. If you want to join that nagging club that do nothing about solving the issues we face, go join the House of Lords and become an MP. Then you can bitch about political crap for as long as you want, without offering an alternative solution to the issue at hand.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
16 May 2013, 09:33,
RE: Political posts ! ?
you don't get it do you scythe?? i'm NOT talking politics...that is a no brainer, but I am saying what the politicians do or don't do has an affect on all of us, prepper and non prepper alike, and by a domino effect will have a bearing on how quickly(or not) TSHTF.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 May 2013, 09:39,
RE: Political posts ! ?
I think I may just do a post on this and leave it as a reference.

This site is about prepping. How to do things to prepare for any event from a local flood to a full blown EOTWAWKI. Providing information to aid us.

This includes how to prepare for a epedemic, riots and social collapse as well as any other risk.

What I'm fed up about hearing is Whooo! another 200K immigrants coming into the UK. Whoo! The government has labelled us as hoarders and terrorists. None of this is new, none of it helps us prepare.

Of course nothing is black and white. So where I will delete a post that refers to immigrants coming from Croatia or something I will allow a post that talks about immigrants coming from Croatia when it talks about something related to prepping such as they are bringing with them spiffing new caravans that we could use where the poster points that out in the text.

So post with just a link about something usually gets nuked. Posts with a link and something uselful related to the link get left.

These posts are the ones that lead to arguements and I'm seriously thinking about removing the news section. It takes too much of my time typing these sort of messages.

There are plenty of political and news sites out there. You can use them.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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