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Life after TSHTF
22 January 2012, 17:46,
Life after TSHTF
What will life be like after TSHTF?? do you think there would be a big "die-off"? do you think that a lot of people could not take life without their foreign holidays, big flash motors, golf clubs and the like, and would rather end it all?? (some people on another forum have said they would rather commit suicide than live a life they felt unbearable!)
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 January 2012, 18:32,
RE: Life after TSHTF
Watch the destruction of America at 9Pm tonight on Nat Geo Ch 526

22 January 2012, 18:56,
RE: Life after TSHTF
(22 January 2012, 18:32)NorthernRaider Wrote: Watch the destruction of America at 9Pm tonight on Nat Geo Ch 526

Thanks NR, but we are on freeview-cant get that channel.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 January 2012, 07:19,
RE: Life after TSHTF
Damn, missed it. Will it be repeated?
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

23 January 2012, 07:28,
RE: Life after TSHTF
Sky will repeat it at some point im sure
23 January 2012, 09:30, (This post was last modified: 23 January 2012, 10:23 by Scythe13.)
RE: Life after TSHTF
(22 January 2012, 17:46)bigpaul Wrote: some people on another forum have said they would rather commit suicide than live a life they felt unbearable!

I think, by the definition of the word unbearable, they would be right. If you couldn't bare it, you would commit suicide.

Personally, I think....take each day as it comes. As long as there aren't mutant vampires, I'm happy, wait....or warewolves! I don't like dogs much. Give me zombies, or marauding gangs, and I'll be okay.

In all honesty, disease will be the biggest danger I could imagine. That would be the one thing that I would hate. To live in a world full of sickness and disease. I don't mind the danger that you can see. It's those that you can't see that freak me out. Other things, like dead bodies, violent gangs, that kind of thing, I'm not too worried about. As long as AlyBear is safe, I'm okay. But I can't protect her against things I can't see.
To answer your question properly, providing my views more intensely.

Life after TSHTF will be much quieter.

If there is a virus that kills off loads of people, then the quality of like would be depending on who was left. If people were able to run the grids that we so helplessly depend on, than providing we could supply ample protection to them and their families, life would be similar. But still quite different.

The likelihood is that life will be pushed back to a time before everyone had electricity, cars, and other readily available sources of fuel. The Armish will rise up and rule! haha. But in fairness, if the whole world was effected by this fan-smearing-via-faeces, then we would be back to advanced man-power, and technical know how. We would be able to attach a car's alternator, run a small aa battery to it (you need a small charge to start the alternator, or it won't work) then plug that into a normal car battery. That would provide you with a basic 12 volt electrical system that could power LED's for light during night time. People with solar panels would also have similar abilities. But transport would be the biggest changed factor. It's feet or bikes. That would be not only the form of transport, but it would also be the rate of commerce in the area. And the rate of farming. However, there is a good chance that people would band together and start working farms together, providing each other with safety, man power, and technical knowledge.
Really that is one of the reasons the Bristol Batallion is being meeting up. We all know we can't survive AFTER TSHTF without the help of other people in the team.

Maybe there is someone in the area that knows how to plant crops. Another that knows how to make bio-diesel (maybe I won't sell my car. I'll just put it as being off the road) from those crops. Another is a mechanic that can keep the car running smoothly. This is what people will band together for. Small communities will be the safest and 'wealthiest' places.

I highly doubt there will be no running water and things like that. The earth is 70% water. For all that water to evaporate, there would be so much liquid in the atmosphere, you would be slowly drowning as you inhaled. However, unless we moved closer to the sun, the natural heat in the atmosphere would make relative humidiy 100%, and it would rain. Possibly causing massive floods. But by the end of a few years the water system would have stabilised again.

The idea of a Waterworld is more probably. An increase in temperature causes a volume of water to increase. This is more likely to happen. However, that would also reduce relative salinity (saltieness) of the oceans which would cause the North Atlantic drift to chance and (althought massively exagerated in the film) a thing, similar to The Day After Tomorrow scenario would occur.
23 January 2012, 14:45,
RE: Life after TSHTF
Its the spread of disease that worries me the most, anything else i can cope with-either by preparing for it or by using something at a reduced level, but disease is a completely different ball game, its something that for the most part will be invisible and unknown-unless you have people dying in large numbers-then you know something is up.! the amount of garbage and other rubbish left by people would need to be sorted as this could spread disease, so would need to be either buried or preferably burnt, ditto any dead bodies lying around, all your own household waste would have to be buried or burnt also, human waste(poo) can be composted so long as you dont use chemicals on it, its the chemicals which stop it bio degrading naturally, urine can be used on the garden-dilute it 5-1, people would have to clean up after themselves more( no bin collections after TSHTF!) to stop any infections before they start. apologies if this post affends anyones sensibilities-its just how i see itTongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 January 2012, 14:53,
RE: Life after TSHTF
(23 January 2012, 14:45)bigpaul Wrote: Its the spread of disease that worries me the most, anything else i can cope with-either by preparing for it or by using something at a reduced level, but disease is a completely different ball game, its something that for the most part will be invisible and unknown-unless you have people dying in large numbers-then you know something is up.! the amount of garbage and other rubbish left by people would need to be sorted as this could spread disease, so would need to be either buried or preferably burnt, ditto any dead bodies lying around, all your own household waste would have to be buried or burnt also, human waste(poo) can be composted so long as you dont use chemicals on it, its the chemicals which stop it bio degrading naturally, urine can be used on the garden-dilute it 5-1, people would have to clean up after themselves more( no bin collections after TSHTF!) to stop any infections before they start. apologies if this post affends anyones sensibilities-its just how i see itTongue

I'm with you on most of that Paul, however, I don't think we would be as wasteful as you'd think. There wouldn't be any packaged food aftera few months, unless in possession of a prepper. Which says that the majority of the wasteful behaviour would be over.

Empty tin cans are so useful! Empty cans just need the bottom cut out then a vertical slice on one side, and you have a small metal roof tile. Also they can be nailed together to make a sun reflector to pump up some solar panels you have working.

The uses are HUGE if you think about it. I'd be scavenging empty tin cans and using them for so many things. The problem would be the risk of a cut and getting tetnus or some other infection. But that would be a part of everyday life anyway, so you just deal with it and collect those cans.

I think I would go around burning bodies as well though. Even sheeple deserve better than being left on the floor to rot. Anyway.....good source or protein haha.
23 January 2012, 16:26,
RE: Life after TSHTF
empty tin cans need to be burnt out-put on the fire, so that any food residue dosent attract rats, i thought of using tins as roof tiles-i think the Yanks call them shingles or some such-although they mostly use wooden ones, i'm a bit worried about this as they would shine in the sun-wouldn't this attract scavengers? i would be trying to keep a low profile after all the panic had died down so i dont want to do anything to attract attention. agree with you that after the panic wouldnt be any more packaged food so no more rubbish- but am a bit worried what will be dumped in the interim, sheeple arent going to be too bothered about what they dump or where, so there may be some around that we, the survivors, will have to deal with.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 January 2012, 16:42,
RE: Life after TSHTF
In some of the downloads links ive posted there are manuels dealing with sanation and disposing and buring of human bodies

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