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after an EMP attack.
14 April 2013, 09:13,
after an EMP attack.
"How to get home-when its 700 miles away", ok so its American, i know only one person who might have to travel this far, most of us will travel much less, but might be useful to someone.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 April 2013, 23:46,
RE: after an EMP attack.
The senerio present is past impossible, since no EMP producing device is capable of knocking out that large an area. It would take massive nuke strikes to produce that effect and if that happened you would not be heading anywhere.

Over here those distances are not unusual. I vacationed 950 miles from home back in Janurary and I often drive 300-500 miles for camping trips.

Every time I do so I am equipped to walk back home if necessary.

Flying, and stripping myself of all useful survival supplies is what I dread and avoid whenever possible.

Last time I flew I was in a sporting goods store within 30 minutes of landing, picked up a new knife, pack and supplies.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
16 April 2013, 00:15,
RE: after an EMP attack.
push a kid off their bike and cycle home
16 April 2013, 11:36,
RE: after an EMP attack.
cos we are an island and not a continent, i think an EMP would take out more of the infrastructure but i dont think MOST of us would have to travel those kinds of distances.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 April 2013, 11:52,
RE: after an EMP attack.
In the UK a single EMP would take out 99% of our systems. Nowhere would be safe.

Unlike the US there are no vast tracts of land to bypass places, we could go parallel to the roads and then work our way around but the chances of being able to hide are non existent for any significant distance. I have 250 miles to go. It would take me weeks and through some of the most densely populated areas in the UK. Bypassing these areas on foot would take much longer. I see plenty of people like myself in this situation and most of us will not get home after an EMP. There are a few worse off but most people should be within a day or two's walk from their home. Even so many will not make it or make it too late. That is why I have left instructions on what to do in the event I'm not there.

You have to consider all eventualities and plan ahead.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 April 2013, 22:00,
RE: after an EMP attack.
At my furthest point, I think I would need to walk about 30 miles, in my case it would probably be best to stay with the roads for speed, it would be easy to take short cuts across open ground, but you would have to know the Scottish country side to know that the short cuts here can often take twice as long.

If it happened early morning, I would be home for tea,..otherwise its a night out, I would spend just a few moments along the way to ask certain people if they had a bike,..I know everyone, and know the ones who might have a bike

.... in fact I have just come up with my next prep,... to find out just who does have a bike and make a note
A major part of survival is invisibility.
18 April 2013, 17:47,
RE: after an EMP attack.
The power grid in Texas is independent of the power grids covering the rest of the US. That's sort of good news-bad news. If our power grid in Texas gets EMP'd we have a problem. If any of the other power grids in the US get shut down, we're still in great shape.

We also are gasoline and oil independent from the rest of the country since we both produce and refine oil here.

These are two more reasons why we retired down here.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
21 May 2013, 21:53,
RE: after an EMP attack.
Question - I know an emp strike would cause chaos within the strike zone. Car crashes etc. but I can only see a emp strike causing a small problem compared to other situations. Am I wrong?
21 May 2013, 22:01, (This post was last modified: 21 May 2013, 22:16 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: after an EMP attack.
(15 April 2013, 23:46)Mortblanc Wrote: The senerio present is past impossible, since no EMP producing device is capable of knocking out that large an area. It would take massive nuke strikes to produce that effect and if that happened you would not be heading anywhere.

It would only take one enhanced for EMP device detonated high about say Denver to affects the continous 48.

[quote='Mooski88' pid='57942' dateline='1369169630']
Question - I know an emp strike would cause chaos within the strike zone. Car crashes etc. but I can only see a emp strike causing a small problem compared to other situations. Am I wrong?

Depends on how much damage it does to distribution and generation systems along with telecommunications and control systems.

Theoretically it could so damage a nations power generation and distribution systems that it could take upwards of 15 years to restore power, Equally an EMP could toast nearly every cellphone, PC, Laptop and anything with a chip in it. Also ALL the utilities and now computer controlled, Railway signalling and switching, water pumping and filtering, flow control, effluent control, gas pumping systems etc A decent EMP event probably would turn 21st century Britain into Victorian Britain in a millisecond.

Electric motors, solonoids, relays, fuses, circuit breakers, pumps,transformers, regulators, switches etc on everything from vehicles, radios, TVs, cell phones, medical equipment traffic lights, cable TV, hospital equipment, elivators, aircon systems, water treatment and pumping systems, refrigerators, electric locomotives, oil refineries, power stations, electronic door locks, aircraft control and nav systems (except inertial), air traffic control, radar systems, rail signalling and switching, chemical plants etc all dead as a dodo instantly.

(15 April 2013, 23:46)Mortblanc Wrote: The senerio present is past impossible, since no EMP producing device is capable of knocking out that large an area.

According to Mr Mr Gary Smiths report to the US government called Electromagnetic pulse threats in 1997 to the House National Security Committee (June) asingle Device detonated above the Atmosphere over CO would affect the entire 48 states. Sadly I did not keep the article only the poster that went with it.


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