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Dont worry still a Prepper !!
30 May 2013, 14:35,
Dont worry still a Prepper !!
Hi ,before I get asked im still Prepping guys.....ive just re-evaluated all of my kit (every thing.).....what me and the wife can carry, what im now caching..what I can use..etc etc...the air rifles are now on the block....its been a realistic re-think...we cant move it all ...that's why im caching half a dozen tubs now, I live in the real world...I need more "dropping power" post "event" of course ! Wink and know what to do now . cheers RW.
30 May 2013, 15:00,
RE: Dont worry still a Prepper !!
never doubted it RW, good idea to periodically review your "preps"!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
30 May 2013, 22:54,
RE: Dont worry still a Prepper !!
Prepping is always going to be about changing and re valuating what we have and how we use it
A major part of survival is invisibility.

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