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gonna attempt another North East RV...
9 June 2013, 12:53,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
(9 June 2013, 09:54)Skean Dhude Wrote: Sorry to hear that. Personally, I would have kept it going as the future of RVs seems to be meeting up with individuals and building relationships.

I agree, and I bet there are those who might have been interested in going but held back because they were not sure how it would all go

If this one had gone well, even with just a few people and good reports came back, there might well be more people wanting to take part next time
A major part of survival is invisibility.
9 June 2013, 13:17,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
Guys...and Girls ...I too am abit pissed that ive pulled it ! If it was as easy as saying everyone come to my house put a spread of sarnies on etc...then that would be great then the people come to you and its a generally more relaxed environment ..away from the sheeple,the bloody CCTV and the paranoia that goes with it !! SD,HL and the older (as in Experienced..not age!) preppers/survivalists have built up a mutual trust with NR and that is a great thing ....that way he can do an open door policy with them and other passing contacts he has made. For me ,im not impatient BUT wanted a bigger audience to achieve a quicker face to face meeting/RV...Yes I know things like trust take time before you say it!. So this said unless I get a confirmed ,decent number ...then it wont work for me...and to roughly quote NR ..."you can give people 6 months notice " etc ..........and the outcome will be the same in the end .once again sorry the meeting is "postponed"...until next time RW
9 June 2013, 13:37,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...

Unless you are going to do something spectacular you won't get the numbers you are thinking of and not only that but those that come won't have the time to find out about each other. Small groups give you the opportunity to build relationships not meetings.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
9 June 2013, 14:18, (This post was last modified: 9 June 2013, 14:34 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
Well I applaud his efforts anyway, 10 /10 for effort especially in this region where complaceny is very common. In time I'm sure it will work out the way RW wants.

BTW Road warrior most of the RV's I have had have happened no where near my house. Penrith, Alston, Birmingham, North Devon etc it was'nt a matter of mutual trust just simple coincidence. Spandex wanted to meet me, AL wanted to meet Spandex, HL was coming south on that day and took the chance to meet up with AL. PF was supposed to be coming to borrow and air rifle and SD wanted to meet me and AL about the Scots group.

I have been lucky on that occasion nothing more because nearly every time I try like you to organise something in this area it falls flat, UNLIKE your good self I dont even bother trying to interact with others in the NE any more so more kudos to you for trying a second meet again so soon. You rock dude.

By the way I wont be doing it again here because my plans etc are now evolving away from meets and RVs they take to much time to organise.

Oh aye as for the mutual trust bit, before the RV at my place I had only ever met SD and AL before the others were completely new to me Smile

9 June 2013, 15:04,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
Well...I cud be spectacular SD ! after all im a frontman in a band,so I like putting on a good show ! ....NR..thanks for the info on your previous RVs... and the positive thoughts too, and awhile back I mentioned a farmer near here that im gonna approach about archery practice / overnight camp etc .... Smile
9 June 2013, 18:42,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
I really want to meet up with other people and maybe do a camp overnight, maybe even bring crossbows And or archery bows. Show each other wot we have and how we will use them etc. but my work are really annoying and it's really hard to get time off work. However I cancelled a weeks holiday with work so the next rv if even at least six weeks notice I can put it in and get the time off to go! So fingers crossed that we next rv is an overnight due and have some many people it will feel like a party! Lol
9 June 2013, 19:29,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
Once again I suspect some of us are thinking an RV as one type of event and others as it being something completely different.

9 June 2013, 19:52,
RE: gonna attempt another North East RV...
Sorry guy's for not replying earlier.How about this next coming sunday.I won't be away next week.

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