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Depression post SHTF
2 July 2013, 01:25, (This post was last modified: 2 July 2013, 01:45 by Grumpy Grandpa.)
RE: Depression post SHTF
I spent 24 years as an active soldier, was an outdoor pursuits instructor, climbing, caving, canoeing and such, followed by being a development officer for a charity, travelling all over Scotland doing the business, then...

One day, my legs gave way, went completely numb and I fell over. Feeling soon came back but it wasn't the last time it happened. I went from that active life to living in a hospital bed in our dining room and getting around in a wheelchair. Now that - is depressing!

I was prescribed anti-depressants and lived on them for a long time. They helped but the initial period was grim while they settled into the system, along with morphine for the pain - not quite pink elephants but not so far off! After that, things could be a bit unreal at times, feeling not entirely in control, you know?

I quit them some time ago but still there are times when I think on how things once were and it gets me down. Like looking at the photo montage some friends made up for me, that hangs on the wall in front of me - some great underground shots, some white water, one of Cenotaph Corner in Llanberis Pass (some of you might know it...) and of the slabs in Cwm Idwal. There are others too, memories of a couple of Alpine trips and others. I won't take them down though, there's a lot of fond memories in them too.

Mary - you're right, the pills don't really help - they mask the problem.
HL - you're right too - it's all about mind-set. Two people equally exposed to the elements, one dies of hypothermia, the other survives, the difference being positive mental attitude.
Stewart - you're wrong. A 'good slap' doesn't work every time. It's far more likely to get you decked with a sudden release of built-up frustration.

The only answer that I can see to what will be inevitable depression in some, will not be chemical, it'll be protecting them, loving them and above all, keeping them occupied with anything and everything until they can restore their own positive mental attitude. How long that might take is anybody's guess. Everybody's different and it's a very complex illness.

(2 July 2013, 01:25)Grumpy Grandpa Wrote: HL - you're right too - it's all about mind-set.

No, that's wrong - it's not all about mind-set. I's part of it - but not all. It's a lot more complex than that...

Scythe, you said, "I'd be okay (I believe) and she would crumble". Don't count on it. Often, it's the least likely one that comes to the fore and becomes a leader and the opposite can be true!

2 July 2013, 04:52,
RE: Depression post SHTF
Herbal medicines have been mentioned in these postings and they will be useful but in the case of schitzophrenia Scullcap and Valerian will be necessary. Do not use these with orthodox medicine or they will interfere with it. Kenneth Eames.
2 July 2013, 05:08,
RE: Depression post SHTF
Such usage Kenneth, is just one of the things I hope to learn from you...

2 July 2013, 11:34,
RE: Depression post SHTF
"Depression" -whats that?Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 July 2013, 11:41,
RE: Depression post SHTF
We have discussed this before about all these people dependent on drugs going cold turbey. They will be part of the chaos at the beginning and I believe many will just curl up and die, some will pull themselves together and some will go out and get killed as they encounter others. Of course some of us will suffer as a result of that.

I'm fully of the believe that we need to cater for all our needs and that includes these areas. So stock up what you can,hopefully Ken will do an article Smile

The answer on who will administer them is your team. If you are on your own you probably won't even think you are depressed.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 July 2013, 11:54,
RE: Depression post SHTF
post SHTF we'll all be too busy trying to survive to worry about depression never mind ACTUALLY getting depressed, anyone that's not 100% up to their game will probably get caught out in the open by others so depression is going to be the least of their worries.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 July 2013, 11:58,
RE: Depression post SHTF
SD makes a good point, a depressed person on their own is unlikely to know they are suffering from depression, any mistakes that person makes will not be seen as a mistake.

People will have to keep a very close eye on other people in order to notice any changes for the worst
A major part of survival is invisibility.
2 July 2013, 12:29,
RE: Depression post SHTF
any mistakes made by someone post SHTF are likely to be FATAL ones! especially in the first 6 months of a societal collapse.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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