(11 July 2013, 14:09)NorthernRaider Wrote: I've got loads of decent sized Cherry tomatoes on various vines but all are going black and mouldy before they reach maturing. I think I may have overwatered them?
NR, sorry to hear that the tomato problems continue. I researched it a bit for you.
Most of the articles state likely cause of fruit rot is calcium deficiency. application of lime, calcium or liquid fertilizer with calcium nitrate should fix the issue.
My hunch is that it's more of a disease issue, probably a fungus, especially since you think maybe the plants got too much water. Maybe this will help:
"Anthracnose is a very common fungus that causes tomato fruit to rot. Symptoms: Small, round, sunken spots appear on the fruit. The spots will increase in size and darken in the center. Several spots may merge as they enlarge. The fungus is often splashed onto the fruit from the soil. It can also take hold on Early Blight spots or dying leaves. Wet weather encourages the development of Anthracnose. Overripe tomatoes that come in contact with wet soil are especially susceptible. Management: Copper sprays offer some resistance. Remove the lower 12" of leaves, to avoid contact with the soil. Don't water the leaves, just the base of the plant."*
I wish you luck, hopefully not too late to save the season and at least get a few nice tomatoes. It really sucks to put all that work in and not get any results.
*The above info about the fungus was pulled from:
we had some nice sweet corn growing last season and lost ALL of it to insects before ripening.