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Helping other people out
21 August 2013, 21:08,
RE: Helping other people out
Couple of years ago when I was a mobile security supervisor for Securop I came across two road traffic accidents during a one month period, I was first on the scene, did casualty assessment ( both crashs involved cuts and broken bones) so I called Ambulances to both.

A month later I got billed £28 for each ambulance, took me ages to persuade the ambulance people I was only doing the ood samaritan bit, many phone calls and letters. I swore I would never call for an ambulance again for anyone outside my family, and I have kept that word.

Mrs NR is one of the highest qualified nurses in the UK and has first aid training as well, she helped me once when we found a lady collapsed in the street, her bosses found out and she got told if she did it again she would be sacked as she was not insured outside the contsraints of her job.

Society is now set up so good samaritans will be arrested for tackling criminals, sued by accident victims and sacked by their bosses for being humanitarian, so my attitude is now fuck society let em get on with it.

21 August 2013, 22:31,
RE: Helping other people out
The people that make these rules that fuck everything up are not the general public. 95% of the public think these rules are stupid. It's the 5% of busybodies that ruin it for everyone else.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
21 August 2013, 22:51,
RE: Helping other people out
The 95% let the 5 % get away with ruining everything, the 95% are the " It should be banned " and the " I'm entitled" and the " we should be compensated" and the " Its not my responsibility" and the " its the governments job" and the " Its the teachers fault"

As the ancient historians pointed out time after time as soon as a culture finds " civilisation" it soon dies out.

22 August 2013, 11:05,
RE: Helping other people out
(21 August 2013, 22:51)NorthernRaider Wrote: The 95% let the 5 % get away with ruining everything, the 95% are the " It should be banned " and the " I'm entitled" and the " we should be compensated" and the " Its not my responsibility" and the " its the governments job" and the " Its the teachers fault"

As the ancient historians pointed out time after time as soon as a culture finds " civilisation" it soon dies out.

NR, you and I are in that 95%, unless of course you are telling me you are in the 5%.

Are you saying the " It should be banned " and the " I'm entitled" and the " we should be compensated" and the " Its not my responsibility" and the " its the governments job" and the " Its the teachers fault". I know I'm not. I suspect that there is about 30% of people like us. We don't all stick together though and have different views on many things.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
22 August 2013, 11:40,
RE: Helping other people out
I'm saying we are outside the mainstream society and we should avoid interaction where possible, like the Scots group members, every step they take at becoming more independant and self reliant makes the influences and controls of mainstream society have less influence and impact upon them.

The more you grow your own food, generate your own power, filter your own water, home school your kids, maintain your own community etc the less the totally negative aspects of todays horrid society impact on us.

If say you/ we /they recycled all your own rubbish, swept your own lane, put up your own external lighting, recycled your own waste water, cleared your own snow, protected your own property, grew your own food, collected your own range of library books, organised your own entertainment, etc etc we would in short order and without the religous implications suddenly find ourselves comply outside the sphere of influence of the state to about 95% effectiveness just like the Amish and Menonite communities and many agrarian cultures and communities in eastern europe, north america and the more remote parts of the UK.

22 August 2013, 13:56,
RE: Helping other people out
(21 August 2013, 20:39)Stewart Wrote:
(21 August 2013, 17:52)Scythe13 Wrote: You start helping people, you'll get done for it!!! If you give someone CPR and save their life, they can then sue you for breaking their ribs (which is expected during CPR)!!!

Post SHTF, where there is less legislation, I'm more likely to help then.

has anyone been sued yet,or is it just a myth

It isn't usual to sue someone just for breaking ribs. However if you did something and the patient died then everything is scrutinised. People don't take chances and if they die then that is OK. Try something radical and you get sued and prosecuted.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
22 August 2013, 17:06,
RE: Helping other people out
(21 August 2013, 17:19)Bonnox Wrote: Just posted something in the first aid section but thought I would pose something similar here for opinions,
It's regarding a mass casualty event, if you came across strangers who say had had a bus crash and a dozen or so people were injured, would you stop and help ?
My points/thoughts are
1: using your first aid kit is just that its using your supplies, things you may need but once their gone you may not be able to restock for a long time
2: could you leave someone to die ?

And what if it was family ? How far would you go knowing it may have serious consequences to your own survival ? Eg 86 year old aunty Ethal falls and breaks her hip, now she can't walk, if your on the move it would take two people to carry a stretcher, then there would be food to keep her going for little repayment (everyone has a job post shtf in my view be it washing hunting cooking etc)
Now I'm not advocating aunty ethal gets a shovel to the headBig Grin
But it is something to think about and consider

Now? Yeah, I'd stop and help. I have many many medical kits, so not worried about dishing them out.
PSHTF? Probably won't come across a bus accident TBH! If I'm alone trying to get home then no, I'm avoiding that like the plague, more important places to be. If I'm with my family, then we're definitely getting out of there as soon as possible (without being seen)

If it is dear old aunty ethel then I would expect her to realise what a burden she is being and to demand we leave her behind for the good of the group Wink
Unless she's nice and meaty then we'll drag her fat arse along.
22 August 2013, 18:21,
RE: Helping other people out
(21 August 2013, 17:53)Mooski88 Wrote: Yeah I would help them. Tho by sounds of it most people would sooner sit and wait for them to die so they can take their supplies. Or may u would simply shoot them? Help them along? After all if other people are alive arent they just using up supplies that you could use?

Sorry but I would always help out a fellow human being or animal if I can.

If it happened tomorrow then I would do everything possible to help, but if the chips are down, tshtf, etc etc then like a vulture I'd raid that bus for diesel spare parts and then whatever the corpses had on their person. I'd love to think otherwise but human nature trumps social ethics when the situation dictates.
22 August 2013, 18:26,
RE: Helping other people out
(22 August 2013, 18:21)MikeA Wrote: If it happened tomorrow then I would do everything possible to help, but if the chips are down, tshtf, etc etc then like a vulture I'd raid that bus for diesel spare parts and then whatever the corpses had on their person. I'd love to think otherwise but human nature trumps social ethics when the situation dictates.

yep, you'll do what you have to to survive, as will the rest of us.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 August 2013, 20:02,
RE: Helping other people out
To answer the original question; Yes, of course I would help. What is the point of survival if we can't preserve a bit of humanity?

Our lives are but brief shooting stars in the larger history of time. What's the point if you can't make a difference?
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.

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