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8 February 2012, 21:36,
what do you think about the falklands is it about oil or some thing else are we going to war?
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
8 February 2012, 21:44,
RE: falklands
Argentina seems we are weak. We don't have the capability to fight her off and we won't get help from the US, Osama, sorry barry, doesn't like us much.

They are just taking advantage of our innept leadership over the last few decades and the fact we have tied our troops up in a phoney war.

One ship is all we have, Anti AIr capability and it can be removed with one torpedo. It is meant to be part of a set and isn't worth as much on the board without the matching pieces. Wouldn't that be an interesting front page on the Sun. Instead of 'Gotcha' it would be 'Got'

Sadly Cameron and his bum chum won't be on board at the time.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
8 February 2012, 21:51,
RE: falklands
Take from someone who's been there its all about oil, minerals and fishing
8 February 2012, 23:10,
RE: falklands
Isnt it just a distraction because of the shitty economy and other issues at home. They didnt care about much until we started looking for oil. If they havent had sodding invaded the last time there is a chance we may have given them back anyway I imagine.

Its just a bit of sabre rattling. They get all flag burny and militant, we send a ship as they have esculated in all thier talk about taking it back then paint us as the bad guys. As far as teh UN is concerned it doesnt matter as the islanders want to remain British so no further need to do anything, no need for dialouge etc.

Reminds me of relationship advice. Bloke doesnt want to get married, woman does. They go to a counceller. The counceller (probably also a woman) persudes the man to get married. It is one or the other, there isnt any middle ground.
8 February 2012, 23:37,
RE: falklands
Lets not be in any mistake, it's all about oil. The Falklands is sittiing on a shit load. The Argies want it and so does Britain. Britain are stirring it now ( war ship/prince Wil) and the Argies are biting.
Outcome: Brits get %? of revenue
9 February 2012, 11:15,
RE: falklands
Nah!! its an election year in Argentina, its just politics!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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