26 September 2013, 13:06,
Vita Navitas
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Forum Threats
This might upset a few people, and if it does, go eat some ice cream and enjoy the flake. Cooled down? Great, now go s***w yourself haha. Okay, that was inappropriate, sorry SD.
First off, this is not directed at anyone. It is a general thing that we deal with in everyday life, but also something that has come up in other forums.
Right, so here goes...don't empower the neigh sayers!
That was a short post hu?
Okay, there is more.
If someone says you cannot do something, or what you plan is a stupid idea, you have no moral obligation to give them the power to put you off.
This is true with forums and real life. People will always go against the minority. If your ideas are too 'out there' or extreme for them, they'll put you down. People have told me it's dangerous to bench 100kg alone. Considering I warm up with 2 sets, one of 60 and one of 85, then rep out at much higher weights, than 100kg, I hate to say they're wrong. I stopped working out on holiday with my parents because they would see the weight and come over and tell me off in the gym. WHAT?!?! Crazy hu? I think what they meant was "It's not safe for me to do that, so I don't want to see you do it either."
The same is true with prepping. If you want to get a solar panel system up, or something like that, and someone else doesn't have it sorted out, they may well try to discourage you from doing your own home build. You say something like "I've never done a solar system before." They read "I'm going to kill myself." But they ignore the secondary point of "I've rewired my whole neighbourhood and have studied how to build a solar system for 3 years." If you listen to the neigh sayers, you will come a cropper.
It's dangerous to run a marathon. It's impossible to run more than a marathon. Running is bad for your health. PLAH!!! Then these people will come out with unhelpful comments like "The guy who made jogging popular went out on a run and died from a heart attack" (which is true, but running doesn't cause heart attacks, and even though a high profile runner died from a heart attack, oh wait.....A high profile runner. Not all high profile runners...silly me, 1 + 1 = 1million!!!!). What they fail to mention is their complete lack of research into the pros and cons of running and the enhancement and development of running, running technique, barefoot running, and the alike. Google Ultra-running, Tarahumara, vibram 5 finger shoes, barefoot running, pose technique. If you can't talk about those basics of long distance running, you have no place talking about how bad running is! Pardon your ignorance, pardon my knowledge.
The less people know on a subject, the more they speak about it. Don't forget, empty tins make the loudest noise. Empty brains shout the most.
Take steroids as an example. I always hear countless people talk about how steroids are bad for your health "Everyone knows that." To which I ask them whether they have done 12 years of study, interviewed bodybuilders and other steroid users, and do they have first hand experience? Have they done their own studies, including personal blood sampling taken and analysed? Have they worked with professional athletes and strongmen, as well as doctors and university teams, even in the proximity of a lab rat? OR are they just lazy and lack the capability to do their own research, opting to tranquillise their minds with the dross from the media? (these are the same people that say how inaccurate the media is when it goes against something they disagree with haha).
These are the neigh sayers. Beware of them, and treat them the same way you treat a ticking bomb. Stay well away from them.
You prep how you want to prep. You listen to helpful advice and ignore the worthless comments that add nothing to conversation. You ask people you know and trust. Talk to preppers who have done what you hope to do, not to those who are just dreaming.
Like in business, get a mentor. Get a mentor for comms, one for guns and weapons, one for planting, one for security, and learn from them. Ignore those who take up your time. They are leeches on your preps, your will, and your hopes and dreams.
You are a person, and have the ability to think for yourself. One thing I would recommend, hear the good stuff, ignore the useless.
If someone disagrees, they are allowed. But if they don't give you a good enough reason for why they disagree.....it goes into the USELESS comment box, labelled "Ignore these comments." Trust me, once you cut those people off, life will get much better.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
26 September 2013, 13:22,
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RE: Forum Threats
thanks i needed to read that , im pissed off with a moaning and digging muppet on this site , will take no notice from now on .......
Survive the jive (youtube )
26 September 2013, 13:47,
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RE: Forum Threats
Why would anyone get upset over something they read online?
The title is a bit misleading, unless I've missed something along the way - who's been threatening who?
People need to chill out, who gives a shit who says what, if you can't handle a good argument online then you're fucked when TSHTF.
Toughen up ladies, you know it's the way forward
26 September 2013, 13:52,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Forum Threats
That sounds nice and tough but we are trying to encourage people to come on board and not everyone is a bearded macho man like yourself.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
26 September 2013, 13:57,
(This post was last modified: 26 September 2013, 13:59 by BeardyMan.)
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RE: Forum Threats
How's that being tough?
Upset by words? Poor show.
Must be the same sort of people who get upset by television programs and films. "Emotionally Fragile" as I heard someone describe it once. Fine if you're a 12 year old girl I suppose...
26 September 2013, 14:09,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Forum Threats
That may be but it is a fact and I'm coming down on those that are bullies and trolls now. If I get any complaints I'm dealing with them. We have lost some good people here just because they have fallen out with people and for no reason.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
26 September 2013, 14:14,
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RE: Forum Threats
I don't think I've encountered trolls on here. Not spotted any cyber-bullies either. Just people who have a difference of opinions and want to discuss it. Some can handle it, some can't.
I think a few good posters left not because of "bullies and trolls" but cause their threads & posts kept vanishing...
26 September 2013, 14:20,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Forum Threats
That may have had something to do with it and I did get messages about them but I ghad more messages more about bullies and trolls.
Differences of opinion are fine and should stop there but some have to push it.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
26 September 2013, 14:47,
Posts: 2,306
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RE: Forum Threats
You get people complain about all sorts these days.
Often the ones who don't have enough to get on with in the real world.
I'm sure there's stuff on here that most of us don't agree with (this thread, for example, I find unnecessary) but I wouldn't dream of pressing that little "Report" button as I have much more important things to be thinking about, like how gorgeous I am.
26 September 2013, 15:02,
Posts: 1,578
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RE: Forum Threats
I agree. Do Not Feed The Trolls. It only encourages them.
If you simply ignore the troll he (OR SHE, with appolpgies in advance to the ladies) will seek tidbits elsewhere.
Overall I find the content and demeanor of what I read here refreshing.
Keep calm and Keep Buggering On!
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia