Again this is similsr to parts of the U.k. wherby you see industrial estates built and empty as well as new housing estates etc...
From what I can see we're in a stasis bubble at the moment, we as a nation seem exempt from the most harsh changes happening elsewhere in the world but for how long?
I thought we would have started on the hard part like other countries, yet we seem not to have, which I find odd.
Is the government putting it off ? if so how? will the end result be a big steeper, harder,slide than other countries have experienced ?
People you see seem so oblivious to anything thats going on, it seems like I'm living in a different world even to my O.H. sometimes who thinks I'm crazy for prepping as I do, she says nothing but you know the "look" you get from the disbelievers...
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."