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Snippets about the floods
11 February 2014, 10:18, (This post was last modified: 11 February 2014, 10:23 by NorthernRaider.)
Snippets about the floods
1 Thames barrier is shut again to protect central London offices, museums and other bits, this of course STOPS the flood waters from running down to the sea and causes it to back up and increase the flooding in the communities to the west of London.

2 The UK has had to go cap in hand to the Dutch to " borrow" high capacity pumps which they will try to deploy in Somerset ( 6 weeks to late)

3 I'm amending my prep plans again and trying to replot my B O routes at higher altitudes as its becoming clear crazy and severe weather events are going to impact us more often. I'm not daft enough to live close to waterways but I may have to travel through some flood risk areas.

4 Think its time some of us considered adding a decent quality inflatable boat to our gear.

In Surrey and Berkshire the news is reporting whilst many folks work to help each other, some folks are stealing their neighbours sand bags.

5 [/color][color=#FF0000] A gent on the radio has just made an important comment, he said " If flood water is pouring into the aquifers the south gets its drinking water from, then so is the sewage from cess pits and overwhelmed sewage systems. Get your water filters set up folks.

11 February 2014, 10:55,
RE: Snippets about the floods
the trouble with any flood barrier or flood defence whether permanent or temporary is, it might save one area but the water has to go somewhere it just floods somewhere else, they uprated the flood defences at Bideford it just pushed the water further up river so Weare Gifford got flooded instead !! there is plenty of sewage, rubbish, dead animals from drowned worms to dead sheep floating around the flooded farms already.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 February 2014, 11:05,
RE: Snippets about the floods
Well its certainly an extreme way of introducing a Badger and Rabbit cull for the area!!
11 February 2014, 11:15,
RE: Snippets about the floods
its a hell of a waste of good meat! I do love a good "game" stew !!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 February 2014, 12:05,
RE: Snippets about the floods
I laughed this morning when the land owner was on the news saying that the EAs efforts to protect voles along the River Parrot etc at the expense of the human residents has only succeeded in drowning them all. There EU approved land management of the last 20 years has killed off most of the flora and fauna they were trying to protect. However setting aside blame laying etc we need to glean through the info and intel coming out of this disaster in the west country ( and poetic justice along the Thames) and see what we can learn.

Such as perhaps keeping our own stocks of empty sand bags and a few tonny bags of sand,

if you do buy your own sand bags and flood barriers ensuring they are coloured and marked so they clearly belong to you as it appears down the Thames many people are stealing their neighbours sand bags.

Consider making and keeping your own improvised flood barriers to cover your doors, air bricks and patio doors etc

Some folks have I note got their own petrol gennies and bilge pumps to try and keep the water down to sustainable levels, fer gods sake if you take that option as one child has already been reported as dying from Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

Its gotta be prudent to assume that the water is ALL polluted as it appears many folks in Somerset and along the Thames have cesss pits and off grid sewage tanks that are now releasing their effluent into the flood water, which in turn is getting into the the ground water drinking supplies.

One wise chap has already made contingency plans within his home by working out in advance where to move his furniture and valuables safely upstairs when flood warnings are issued.

Perhaps for some of us it may be prudent to ensure we have enough water proof boxes and plastic bags to protect our valuable IF they get enough warning.

Keep your essential documents in a fire proof and water proof box.

I think the case for every one of us to have a Berkfield or similar water filter is now completely made.

Some of us who may face having to bug out in part through chest deep flood water may wish to consider buying a small inflatable boat to help keep the little ones, pets, and BOBS dry.

I've just ordered more Dioralite for my kits as it helps treat people with tummy bugs picked up from flood water.

11 February 2014, 12:15,
RE: Snippets about the floods
I have thought for years it was just crazy building all these new housing estates on flood plains, I wonder why the councils ever gave them planning permission? I mean they are called "flood plains " for a reason, I suppose its all coming back to bite them on the bum now! I case of " I told you so" if ever I saw it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 February 2014, 12:25,
RE: Snippets about the floods

your point 5 in OP about the man on the radio warning of polluted water entering the aquifer will get people worrying.

There is no need to worry about this as an aquifer is a better filter than any of the man made systems we employ.

Quote: <<Aquifers are natural filters that trap sediment and other particles (like bacteria) and provide natural purification of the ground water flowing through them.>>

No need for anyone to panic just yet Big Grin
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
11 February 2014, 12:28,
RE: Snippets about the floods
"no need to panic yet" that's what they told Noah !!!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 February 2014, 12:49,
RE: Snippets about the floods
The flood waters in Somerset have been tested and the amount of bacteria in the water is off the scale.

With regards to the comments about sealing airbricks and putting up flood gates, having non-return valves on drains etc, that will only work for a short period of time (hours/a day or so at most)

If you have standing water against the walls of your house, the flood waters will simply pour through the Brick/Blockwork walls, first through the outer skin, then the cavity will fill with water, then the inner leaf of the cavity wall then also becomes saturated and eventually once both the inner nd outer leafs are saturated, the water will rapidly pour through the walls and electric sockets etc flooding the inside of the house.

The only way to really stop it is to have a flood barrier surrounding the house, and then to have sumps dug out inside of the barrier into which water can be drained/allowed to collect from where you can then pump it back over the flood barrier, but that will be a 24/7 operation and depending on the permeability of the soil in your garden etc, you may need some bloody big pumps.
11 February 2014, 14:20,
RE: Snippets about the floods
Good post Devonian and totally correct on all points from the bacteria levels through the porosity of walls, most flood defences are only temporary unless you build a berm around your home. The only true flood defence is not to live at river level.

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