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NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
12 February 2014, 15:44,
NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but prepping and survival-wise, our friends NR and BP are completely misguided about cities.

Guys, slagging off cities and city based lifestyles is bad for prepping. It just ain't doing us preppers any good at all....

Cities are great . As many people as possible should be encouraged to live in one

As much effort and resource as the country can muster must applied to encourage as much of the population as possible to live the dream-life in the city.

Encouraging people to desert cities severely disadvantages preppers and reduces chances of survival . It needs to be stopped immediately!

Here’s why:

If London, and every other UK city, come to a grinding halt forcing their populations to flee to the countryside, this will increase the average rural population density 5 fold!

(Currently rural population is an average 136 persons per sq mile. Resettling city populations to the countryside will increase this by 544 people per sq mile. )

Speaking personally, I don't want to wake up one morning to find over 500 assorted city-slickers, chavs, hoodies and sheeple-ish types camped out on the village green expecting the residents of our little rural paradise to provide for them.

They will not be welcome, we don't want to look after them, and we don't want to have to deal with them either.

So better they stay in their cities as long as possible. TPTB will look after, they need to know that they can depend on that.

Angel Angel Angel

OK this is a dubious premise and a gross over simplification, based on even more dubious statistics ( below) But, even so, it serve to illustrate that in terms of planning personal and immediate family survival after a societal collapse, the more people who live in cities, and the longer they are encouraged to stay in those cities waiting for rescue by TPTB after the collapse the better.

Even Preppers who are city based will benefit from concentration of population in cities, as they will be aware of the need to evacuate early and will hopefully devise plans to do so in advance. They will still have a chance to get to a relatively lightly populated countryside. (unfortunately unsuspecting countrysiders might not welcome them with open arms though??)

The sad fact is, that the fewer the number of survivors, the greater the capacity of the rural environment to sustain them.

Cities are great . As many people as possible should be encouraged to live in one
80% of the UK population live in cities.

Current UK population 63.7 million

UK total land surface 94,000 sq miles
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
12 February 2014, 15:57,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Thanks for that it gave me a good chuckle Smile, Naturally I encourage those already living in places like the Home Counties to remain there, They can rely on their fellow city dwellers to help them and government agencies to protect them. We in the provinces have nothing of interest to anyone in the south east Smile Indeed as I type a convoy of aid from north eastern farmers is winging its way to those wonderful folks in the south west with aid for their south western farming brethren. They have to go the long way round because if the tractors and supplies ventured into the south east they would probably get abused or looted.

12 February 2014, 16:02,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best

Step forward NR, you have repented your sins and are forgiven.

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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
12 February 2014, 16:04,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
yes we should get as many non preppers as possible to move into the cities, why not? after all, the smaller number of sheeple that survive the better for all of us, I mean why bother to look after themselves when TPTB will do it all for them? yeah right!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 February 2014, 16:08,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Lets be honest LS if you, BP, SD or anyone else has to explain the insanity or stupidity of trying to be a prepper or survivalist in a city we are simply wasting our breath on a pointless exercise. If they cannot reach the correct conclusion on their own then we really should not waste our time on them.

In fairness I do know of a few fit, young, educated, skilled single people whose urban preps are quite impressive but even they understand that for the long term or for families the urban environment is as futile as riverside or water front residency.

And I have learned not to have a go at folks who want to city slickers, each to their own, I just don't waste my precious time on em.

12 February 2014, 16:09,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Breaking News......

Bigpaul supports City Living

Even he knows it makes sense
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
12 February 2014, 16:16,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Hardy har har har har.......................erm !!!!!! Smile


12 February 2014, 16:22,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin yep," FREE CITY HOMES FOR NON PREPPERS"-step this way-TPTB will take care of your every need, from cradle to grave-step right up, step right up!! yes I can see the posters now!!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 February 2014, 16:23, (This post was last modified: 12 February 2014, 16:26 by Lightspeed.)
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best

You wrote:
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Lets be honest LS if you, BP, SD or anyone else has to explain the insanity or stupidity of trying to be a prepper or survivalist in a city we are simply wasting our breath on a pointless exercise. If they cannot reach the correct conclusion on their own then we really should not waste our time on them. 110% agree with old man. Lets not wast our energies and knowledge attempting help them see the light. Survivalism isn't about making our ideas popular or mainstream. In fact the fewer the better is the way we should look at it.

In fairness I do know of a few fit, young, educated, skilled single people whose urban preps are quite impressive but even they understand that for the long term or for families the urban environment is as futile as riverside or water front residency. ohhhh, You're making me blush!

Being Seriously though:

Those city dwellers who start considering their position and who start to embrace prepping and survivalism will work out for themselves what is the best way forward.

Those already on board with us, who through no fault of their own find themselves living in cities, and who cannot or due to circumstances outside of their control don't want to get out just yet, must get fed up hearing repeated warnings about how bad their situation could or will become.

Way to go BP!

Praise the lord.

Looks like you're a convert brother
Big Grin
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STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
12 February 2014, 16:27,
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
LS Scribed
Those already on board with us, who through no fault of their own find themselves living in cities, and who cannot or due to circumstances outside of their control don't want to get out just yet, must get fed up hearing repeated warnings about how bad their situation could or will become.

NR scribbled in response
Yes absolutely some are trapped by circumstance , that lovely chap Mandlaka and his two little boys were trapped in Londonistan but he was trying his absolute best to escape the festering rotten cancer that is London and he was making his best efforts to protect his children.

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