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What are you prepping for?
26 March 2014, 22:13, (This post was last modified: 26 March 2014, 22:15 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: What are you prepping for?
Dev scribbled with his new crayon Smile
"OK having reread NR's post, I am not talking about a world ending Bruce Willis in a Space Shuttle type of event, but "is it realistic" to consider the potential of significant (car or bus sized) meteor hitting the UK??

I would far rather one hit the land and expended its colossal kinetic energy digging a hole a half mile wide than for the bugger to go bang in the lower atmosphere thus sending a ferking huge shock wave and heat wave over possibly hundreds of miles (possibly with an EMP burst), The little Russian one still managed to cost $30 million worth of damage

But equally think of the possible damage to the country if it hit the sea and caused a tsunami basically anywhere on the east from Hull to Kent, Shudders at thought.

FYI Russians up in the high artic and Inuits on the other side of the Baring straits along with some African tribesmen apparently spend a great deal of time each week scouring the tundra / ice sheets/ salt flats / desert for micro meteorites, cometary fragments and other lumps of rock sent to us from the Ort cloud almost daily to flog to museums and geologists. If we are getting peppered daily with small stuff you can be fairly sure theres also some damaging nastier large bits heading this way. Not necessarily Armageddon sized but enough to cause some serious damage to a country.

Mind you anything nasty that flattened Londonistan would be welcome in my book. Smile

26 March 2014, 22:30,
RE: What are you prepping for?
And gary glitter making a come back......shit nooooooooooooooooo

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