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Main Sticking Points
6 May 2014, 18:32,
Main Sticking Points
What would you say are your main sticking points in regards to prepping?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
6 May 2014, 21:13,
RE: Main Sticking Points
You mean areas I'm not confident we've got right? If so:
- Security
- Growing veg in sufficient quantity
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.
6 May 2014, 21:51,
RE: Main Sticking Points
what you do when your food stores run out, i asked this some time back most said they could not grow enough food to live or even any.

bugging out , the uk is one big field with only a few places like the new forest ect.

assuming their will be a mass die off .

thinking we just pop into the woods like robin hood and his merry men and no badies will follow us into the woods and life will be better and simpler like little house on the prayie[spell check[.

too many dreamers.
Survive the jive (youtube )
7 May 2014, 05:32,
RE: Main Sticking Points
Mine is that the family think I'm a nutter and don't support the idea of prepping.
I bought a bunch of bulk food and other gear over the weekend which I just about managed to pass off as a "win" because it was needed and cheaper in bulk, but have been told in no uncertain terms to stop wasting money on stuff that can be bought as its needed.

Apart from that, the fact that my work means I need to live in the city, although we're luckily in an area on the outskirts, with good access to market gardens etc as well as several routes to our BOL.
7 May 2014, 07:20,
RE: Main Sticking Points
Sunna Offline
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RE: Main Sticking Points
what you do when your food stores run out, i asked this some time back most said they could not grow enough food to live or even any.

bugging out , the uk is one big field with only a few places like the new forest ect.

assuming their will be a mass die off .

I could not agree more particularly with the last point though I use that phrase that is used at time on politicians. 'They just don't get it'.

Many appear by their replies here on the forum to posting to think that SHTF will be short lived, we will get back to 'normal', at least one day and as BP says many have no idea of the country these days. This regretfully will only add to the die-off.

thinking we just pop into the woods like robin hood and his merry men and no badies will follow us into the woods and life will be better and simpler like little house on the prayie[spell check[.

too many dreamers.
7 May 2014, 08:07,
RE: Main Sticking Points
There are a few, but the ones that give me most concern are that do not own my home. I rent privately and I'm loath to spend a lot of money on improving anything. There are things that I would love to do to the house, but I either can't because I feel it's too much to spend on rented accommodation, or my Landlord won't allow it. Which brings me neatly on to the second, space, or the lack of it. I struggle to find a home for everything, and many of the projects I want to do to make me more self reliant, I simply do not have the room for. Because of these two, I have a few more concerns that I otherwise wouldn't have.

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
7 May 2014, 09:53,
RE: Main Sticking Points

Because of running and building up a business I just do not have the time to do many of the things that I would like to be doing.
7 May 2014, 10:15,
RE: Main Sticking Points
good thread s13,
i think their will be a lot of the same answers, will we act on them.
will the big £££ knife flash gear , lets camp and dress up and play army preppers/survivalists , who wont grow food because they going to hunt and kill and be rambo , untill monday then its back to the office. change their ways or just gang up and keep their outdated hobby ways.
Survive the jive (youtube )
7 May 2014, 10:29,
RE: Main Sticking Points
Storage Space (small modern 2 bed semi).
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 May 2014, 10:32,
RE: Main Sticking Points
Biggest concerns in order are:

Lead up to crisis: Concern is early enough identification of a problem to implement one of our pre planned reactions.

Early and middle stages of crisis: Concern is physical security

Post crisis: Concern is being able to cultivate sufficient land to support ourselves.
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