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Multi-purpose Plants
11 May 2014, 20:13,
Multi-purpose Plants
It's that time of year again, and my veggie plots are cantering gently along. The little orchard is full of blossom and the fruit bushes are showing some signs of life. Terrific stuff.

This year, however, I have decided to step things up a notch and try to grow a few crops with several uses. My usual veggies are all ready to roll, but I want to include some further items that have medical or other uses.

A ramble through various internet sites has come up with some interesting and useful cases. For instance, flax. Not just a pretty blue flower for the garden - yes I do have a flower garden, I intend to move into bees and am trying to make sure I have plenty of food for them - but also an oil producing plant. The seeds produce a fine oil which has medicinal properties, and could also be used as a cooking oil or for fine greasing properties. I understand that flax stems were used to produce fibre. I can't say I'm going to grow this in quantity, but I may try a trial patch and see how it goes.

Asparagus, one of my favourite veggies, has medicinal properties and will always have a place in my garden.

To my astonishment, humble little radishes have medicinal properties. I never bother usually with these, but this year I shall be growing a few lines just to test them out.

I know a further ramble through the internet is going to produce a lot of other multi-functional vegetables and fruit.

I know a number of you are getting into growing things for food security and health benefits. It is sometimes quite difficult to decide what to grow - there are so many things out there. Without wishing to patronise anyone, I would say grow what you know you will eat. If your space is limited, don't waste any of it on trial crops. That pak choi may look tempting on the seed packet, but will you eat enough of it to make it a worthwhile crop. Personally I love chillies, but I am not a connoisseur, so I will only be growing one type. I don't have room in my greenhouse for loads of different chillies, and I can't differentiate between them anyway - I would rather use the space to grow tomatoes that I know are going to be eaten down to the last pip/.

So, happy growing.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
11 May 2014, 21:06,
RE: Multi-purpose Plants
something to kill pain.

im not sure if it grows in the uk , coca bush , pain killers will run out quick post event.
Survive the jive (youtube )
11 May 2014, 21:07,
RE: Multi-purpose Plants
Willowbark, Sunna, or homemade hooch!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
11 May 2014, 21:08,
RE: Multi-purpose Plants
sorry not multi purpose..Huh but if you had pain killer and nobody else did you would be rich/powerfull.
Survive the jive (youtube )
12 May 2014, 08:46,
RE: Multi-purpose Plants
My garden is small this year due to utility installation that will run smack through the middle of my normal plot location.

I am restricted to a small 20'x20' spot and some containers.

I have about 20 tomato plants and a dozen assorted peppers, summer squash, okra and I will do a patch of kale, collards and turnips scattered around in safe places.

After the utilities are in I am planning on setting out a couple of apple and peach trees. Peaches do well here, apples not so much due to frost.

Also putting rose bushes down the front of the house for some color.
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