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iraq / should we help.
13 June 2014, 12:48,
iraq / should we help.
with total takeover in its sights , isis seem unstopaball.
should we help iraq the worlds 2nd biggest oil producer....?
do you care...?
a x serviceman on question time last night said let them sort out their own problems.[he got a big clap].
boots on the ground...
air support...
Survive the jive (youtube )
13 June 2014, 13:01,
RE: iraq / should we help.
what? Iraq War number 3? NO bloody way!!! stay out of it and mind our own business.Angry
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 June 2014, 13:06,
RE: iraq / should we help.
What amazed me was how quick the Iraqi army was to abandon its military bases when just 60 rebel pickup trucks where headed towards them!!

What kind of training have the American's been providing to them?
13 June 2014, 13:13,
RE: iraq / should we help.
no we should stay out of it
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
13 June 2014, 13:33, (This post was last modified: 13 June 2014, 13:40 by Midnitemo.)
RE: iraq / should we help.
bury our heads now have a much bigger problem in the future,do we really want muslim extremist state to be formed?

A premature pull out alway's leaves a mess...fnar fnar....seriously though what is happening now in Iraq will happen in Afghanistan too when herrick finishes.......the Taliban/extremists are more commited and willing to pay the ultimate price, there not in it for the wages, they believe in what they're doing!
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
13 June 2014, 13:54,
RE: iraq / should we help.
yes a jehadist state with iraqs oil money sound very bad to me, they would train / fund all sorts of groups .
iran dont seen happy at all ,sending its troops in streght away, maybe thats our way out ,help/arm iran and let them do the fighting for the west.

if iran won , would they go home or would they fancy a oil rich country for themselvs...?

wow its a big mess we may have no option iraq 3 ...?
Survive the jive (youtube )
13 June 2014, 15:38,
RE: iraq / should we help.
Stay out of it and let them fight amongst themselves, the best we could do is a total arms embargo for the whole region, but that won't happen and if it did would be about as water tight as a sieve.
13 June 2014, 15:56,
RE: iraq / should we help.
You would think the Iraqi's have enough of their own resources to fend off this little band of have-a-go's

[Image: ipad-iraq-forces-comparison-online-versi...22x293.jpg]
13 June 2014, 16:02,
RE: iraq / should we help.
i dont matter what you have ,if your well trained well equiped army turns round a dose a runner .

game over.
Survive the jive (youtube )
13 June 2014, 17:21,
RE: iraq / should we help.
Never fear folks, no one is going back into Iraq.

The resent situation is the plan that has been in place since 2009 when Obama took office.

The only people that did not know this was going to happen are the ones that never read a history book.

Neither does anyone seem to take note that these are the same "Anti-Assad" forces the west has been funding, arming and promoting for the past 3 years.
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