RE: city hit buy bubonic plague...
I (and all the family who happened to be staying with me) was placed in isolation in 2003 during the SARS outbreak, after one of our colleagues was diagnosed with it.
Basically everyone in our office was locked up in their apartments with their families for 10 days, with a police or other guard outside to make sure that no-one entered or exited. The only visitors we received were people from the health department in their bio hazard suits who came every few hours to take our temperatures and spray disinfectant everywhere, plus the cop/guard dropping off food.
That time I think there were three reported cases of SARS in our city, which led to thousands of people being locked up in their homes. I guess in this case that has been reported, the guy who has died was a bus conductor or something similar, and they figured it was easier to just quarantine everyone within his immediate vicinity, then lock the whole town down rather than figure out exactly who has been affected.