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How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
31 August 2014, 11:57,
How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
There is currently a lot sabre rattling going on between Russia and the West over events in the Ukraine and if anything Putins reputation at home is only being solidified and increased as he is seen as a strong leader promoting and supporting mother Russia. Europe cannot even agree on the imposition of sanctions and those that have been imposed are little more than an annoyance to his mega rich cronies who are now looking to make their extravagant purchases via middle men in the East rather than the west, thereby bypassing any sanctions.

I have previously been of the view that Russia will hold onto Eastern Ukraine, everyone will throw their toys out of the pram and then it will die down with Ukraine having to accept the loss of territory.

But with several EU countries getting nervous about Putins intentions, and claims he is now practically at war with Europe, plus Putins reminder "we have nuclear weapons" and the proposed NATO rapid reaction force, is there more to all of this than meets the eye?

What do others think? I guess we may have a little bit more of an idea after this weeks NATO summit....
31 August 2014, 17:50,
RE: How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
I think it is all sabre rattling and all for home consumption on both sides, eventually both sides will back down and a diplomatic solution will be found, forget nuclear weapons that is all BS and bluster, no body wants a nuclear war-nobody wins and everybody looses.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
31 August 2014, 18:41,
RE: How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
I agree about the Nukes, but with Putin making such comments, it does go to show his complete lack of respect and contempt for the west.

Also the Ukraine is effectively the second time (Georgia was the first) that Putin has invaded a neighbour without any consequences and in all honesty I think he thrives on it and wants to see just how far he can push things. In particular I think he is testing the resolve of NATO.
31 August 2014, 19:04,
RE: How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
All members may find the X22 report of value ......or not.. check it out on YT ....nothing to loose and maybe everything to gain.
31 August 2014, 19:51,
RE: How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
The present NATO conference is to determine how much of Europe NATO is willing to give up.

The alliance made a mistake in allowing eastern block nations into the alliance and now realize they should never have done so, especially with the terms of the "all for one, one for all and devil take the hindmost, for us or against us" terms of the NATO treaty.

How many lives is NATO willing to give up to insure the Ukrainian leaders can continue raping the economy of their own country?

Europe, and NATO, is not willing to accept the casualty numbers that a conventional war with Russia would demand, while Putin has spent 10 years winding up the Russian people to a patriotic fervor like none since WW2. Readying them for sacrifices equal to the Great Patriotic War.

They are not fighting the "west", Germany, GB or the US, they are fighting the resurgence of Nazism.

Putin's speeches are not oriented toward economics, diplomacy or negotiation, they are appeals to the spirit of the Russian people to stand against the new fascist leaders that are coming against them, and no one in the "west" seems to be hearing that part of his message.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
31 August 2014, 20:19,
RE: How far are NATO and Russia Preparared to go...
If the EU had kept their meddling snouts out of the situation, then we would probably not be facing this problem. They promised the earth to Ukraine (not the most stable of economies), aware that it would antagonise Russia, and now look where it has got us. So we have not now only got the Islamists throwing their toys out of the pram, but Russia making threats that she is quite capable of keeping.

Still, I guess the EU can always make threats of further sanctions against Russia - they could threaten to stop selling them powerful vacuum cleaners.

I hate the EU - it belongs in the toilet for the sheer undemocratic, corrupt and inhumane behaviour.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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