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back of my mind.
18 September 2014, 14:50,
back of my mind.
all today i been thinking what if scotland votes yes , i would be so upset the break up of the union would be bad , we fight at the football take the piss out of each other but i would miss them .
i think of all the crap in the world at the moment , but this one for me cuts me up .
i hop and pray that scotland says
Survive the jive (youtube )
18 September 2014, 14:57,
RE: back of my mind.
dosent bother me one bit, they only joined the union 300 years ago before that they were a country in their own right, I do hate Scottish mp's with a Scottish constituency making decisions that only affect England, so maybe a clean break would be a good thing, anyway cant see it having any effect on the far South West of England whichever way it goes.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 September 2014, 15:05,
RE: back of my mind.
its more for me britan as a world power a leader , how the world views us , we did rule 1/5th of it not that long ago , if scotland leaves its just a bit more to add to the crap we put up with grooming gangs mass immergration , slowly were just going down the bog , nobody cares anymore no one will stand and fight.
Survive the jive (youtube )
18 September 2014, 15:16,
RE: back of my mind.
I'm torn each way, I can see advantages/disadvantages to staying as we are, and also advantages/disadvantages to breaking up.

It's a tough call.

Really it all comes down to money; how much does England/Wales etc get from North Sea Oil/Gas; how much does it cost us and how much do we put back into Scotland. Given the way the 3 main parties are campaigning to keep Scotland, I'm guessing that financially we probably get a lot more from oil/gas than we put into Scotland??

I think the only sensible option is Devo Max, where England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland have their separate parliaments and the Welsh can't vote in the English parliament and vice versa etc...

But there should still be some kind of UK authority with perhaps just each countries ministers in it, rather than all of the separate MP's - not sure how that would work though??
18 September 2014, 15:44,
RE: back of my mind.
I'm hoping for Yes to upset the applecart. It's the vote of the century. The only voting where the voters can make a difference.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
18 September 2014, 20:29,
RE: back of my mind.
Yes for me,,,,,,,they cannot do worse than westminster.....unless they only have one brain cell.
18 September 2014, 21:48,
RE: back of my mind.
The bit that baffles me is the SNP demanding their FREEDOM from foreign government control in London, they say they want their freedom and self determination, which of course is totally fair enough BUT....... The same SNP people then say without any sense of irony they intend to join the EU as full members if allowed thus instantly giving away those freedoms to Brussels instead of Westminster.

At least in Westminster they have a fair old bit of influence and I believe the last three PMs have been Scottish born, Cameron, Brown and Blair, and two of the last three chancellors were Scots, Brown and Darling, but they will be a much smaller cog in the gears of the EU??

19 September 2014, 08:37,
RE: back of my mind.
SO....Scotland has voted NO! but what happens now to the 45% 1.5million people who voted yes, will they "kick off"? will we see "societal unrest"??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 September 2014, 08:56,
RE: back of my mind.
naw! they had the pubs open all night by the time they sober up they wont remember what the vote was for!
Ready for Anything
19 September 2014, 11:05,
RE: back of my mind.
good news , but will it ever be the same again 45% wanted yes and got no.
salomnd said he would now work for everybody...? i dont trust him.
Survive the jive (youtube )

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