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viglante acton
9 November 2014, 13:41,
viglante acton
4 nicked in Rotherham

as large mob meet outside local home.
Survive the jive (youtube )
9 November 2014, 13:49,
RE: viglante acton
What does one expect if the Police and Politicians have disarmed the public and also they FAIL to protect the public, at some point communities will say ENOUGH and take steps to protect themselves.

The Police and the control freaks would far rather read about how a young girl was sexually abused by a gang of perverts than read about how she shot, tazored or batter her attackers to the ground.

Look at the Asian child grooming gangs, for YEARS the police the police WILLFULLY ignored pleas for help from at least 1400 victims, is anyone actually and honestly surpised that the local communities are now acting to protect their own communities because the police WONT.

9 November 2014, 14:11,
RE: viglante acton
Incidents like this will raise.....normal folk have had enough... they are fed up of (we must make sure this never happens again....shit ) and take matters into their own untainted hands and actually do something of worth....and normal behaviour ....where else are you going to get sensible human action from ? not the powers that be ....for sure
9 November 2014, 14:26,
RE: viglante acton
The Peelian method is that the public are the police. We then decided to pay someone to do what we don't have the time to do, investigate murders etc. then it was perverted so that we cannot do any police work ourselves and have to leave it to the states enforcers, who were the police, who then enforce only the crimes they want. Leave you bin lid open, potential £1K stealth tax, go 4mph over the limit £80 stealth tax. Park outside designated bays by 2 inches £50 stealth tax. Beat someone up. Community service, unless your working of course, then another stealth tax is good, plus victim surcharges when there are no victims. It's all part of the revenue system now.

People are finally getting fed up. About 15 years too late but at least now they are moving.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
9 November 2014, 16:28,
RE: viglante acton
I recall reading somewhere that there is no such thing as a Police Force - merely a Police Service - and that the various Local Authorities around the country no longer employ Policemen and Policewomen - merely Police Officers - because a Policeman/woman has to uphold the Law of the Land whilst a Police Officer does not - a change of Terms and Conditions of Employment means that they can still arrest you for various minor offences but mostly they only issue Statutory Fines and the like which would seem to indicate that they are merely an extension of HMRC. They can, of course, shoot and taser you if so directed but only if you are very young and they have had a good lunch.
9 November 2014, 17:28,
RE: viglante acton
spot on iaaems nice to have you back !
10 November 2014, 12:51,
RE: viglante acton
this is only going to get worse , as more and more reports come out about these racest grooming gangs. cover ups and our police force turning a blind eye to child rape.

I do wonder what sort of things those coppers were told by little 12yr old girls , enough to bring tears to any mans eyes , yet they kept their moths shut , the police force should hang its head in shame.

I for one want to see police and socal workers go to jail for this , and what about the free press , did none of the parents go to the press in oxford , Manchester , Birmingham Shropshire, and many many more towns and citys with a sizeable muslim populations.
Survive the jive (youtube )
10 November 2014, 13:12,
RE: viglante acton
The press are very much involved. They cover up everything for the state. They should be the ones investigating and reporting MPs expenses, pointing out issues with the EU,, immigration, etc. but instead they issue press releases without even checking them.

IMO they have a lot of blame in where we are now and have failed in their duties to the public.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
10 November 2014, 13:13, (This post was last modified: 10 November 2014, 13:16 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: viglante acton
I recall reading somewhere that there is no such thing as a Police Force - merely a Police Service

You mean Police FARCE

SD just remember that as sure as you are Alec Salmonds brother Smile that in time those "" Impartial"" journalists will magically appear in the House Of Lords as Barons etc for "Services to the Media" as a reward from the establishment politicians

10 November 2014, 18:54,
RE: viglante acton
so why ? do we except it.....why? re,report their shit on HERE . Someone,s narrative picked up then reinforced by other media (paid for ) does not mean the truth is being told about ANY bloody thing.

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