6 December 2014, 11:47,
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fighting back
this story to me is the way I think things are going to go in the uk in the next few years .
if the state keep cutting back , benefits , health care , pushing more and more to protest in this sort of way.
no gun or tnt needed here just a petrol bomb in your local tax office , dole office , part time cop shop , the list is endless.
do you think mass civil unrest is on the way much like in southern Europe , how do you plan for this sort of event , if pissed off folk started to target those unmanned water treatment works , power lines ,sub stations , all sorts of soft targets that would cause chaos and cost the state lots of money.
is this a threat to you...?
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6 December 2014, 12:08,
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RE: fighting back
yes, there has always been the "anarchist" the "rent a mob" mentality but one of the things I prep for and which I can see actually happening is civil unrest.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 December 2014, 12:18,
(This post was last modified: 6 December 2014, 12:24 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: fighting back
So long as there is an ENTITLEMENT psyche and a " We should be given" culture in the UK with huge numbers of people thinking that society has an obligation to fund, feed, house them from wherever in the world they came from, instead of simply helping what Barney correctly points out as the genuine needy then you will find arsonists, anarchists, yobs and scum joining in justified protests for personal gain.
And so far I don't think anyone has gotten a way to nullify the age old ENVY bug, I think the best route forward for us as preppers is to just keep doing what we are doing now, but the state needs to stop rebuilding and spending oney in areas that the locals keep trashing. If they shit in their own nest then leave em to live in it.
When we lived in Teesside Stockton council got £27 million to rebfurbish and improve about 300 council houses, new double glazing, boilers, insulation , kitchens ad bathrooms and landscape and clean up the estates. Within 24 hours of completion fences were torn down, scrap and rubbish dumped in the gardens, metal gates sold for scrap and within 7 or 8 years the houses had to be demolished and only because the tenants ruined their estates.
Trouble is the justice system is far to soft, anarchists who burn, loot, smash up businesses etc hide among lawful protestors to destroy shops and businesses, but the penalties are insanely soft.
6 December 2014, 12:31,
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RE: fighting back
I don't want to get involved in a political/socialist/capitalist rant cycle but if you tinker about with the system so everyone is entitled despite never having paid into the system first then its a recipe for disaster, where does it end? there is absolutely nothing I can do about it as a prepper so I just carry on prepping and leave that to the politicians, they are paid to sort that one out, I'm not.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 December 2014, 12:40,
prepper operator
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RE: fighting back
Anytime people think someone else should be paying for their living costs you are going to inevitably end up with trouble, not much we can do about it now cept sit back and watch as it all goes tits up like all such systems inevitably do.
6 December 2014, 12:44,
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RE: fighting back
the anarchists , will stoke up the fires on a demo or march , but what im on about is , destroying government property , like unmanned waterworks , substations , those green things in the street what bt are always mending , not confronting the police on a demo.
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6 December 2014, 12:48,
(This post was last modified: 6 December 2014, 12:50 by bigpaul.)
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RE: fighting back
that's why I prep Sunna, so if these things get shut down its a minor inconvenience not a major catastrophe.
and by the way, BT, water works and sub stations are no longer "government property" and haven't been for a while, but I guess you missed that??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 December 2014, 13:01,
(This post was last modified: 6 December 2014, 13:08 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: fighting back
I doubt if anything is sacrosanct in the UK today, you see chavs beating up medics, nurses and doctors trying to help them, you see scum stealing copper phone cables in their own community to weigh in for a few bob to buy beer with, you see taxi drivers beaten to a pulp, students wrecking campus digs. Scum who have no sense of responsibility for themselves or their actions will probably wreck anything regardless of how many fellow ordinary citizens it hurts. I've seen UAF activists on TV attacking the police officers sent to protect them from far right thugs AND Vice versa, I've seen first hand beautiful little public housing projects trashed in weeks by their own residents.
They think Sticking it to Mc Donalds or BT or Railtrack or Barclays is fighting for the oppressed, but all they achieve is dumping Mc Donalds low paid workers onto the dole, cutting off the phone and broadband connections to their own communities or delaying other struggling workers on their commute to work.
You cannot plan for STUPID, you can only try to insulate ourselves from stupids actions
As for the ruling classes be they rich landed tories or rich champagne socialists, or rich federalist liberals, they will just sit back and watch the idiots ruin their own communities whilst the elite live in secure gated communities, iceberg homes or safe rural piles
So yes I do expect the genetic dead ends to destroy much essential equipment because they are to dumb to realise it NEVER affects the rich ruling elite political classes. Blow up the pumping station, Thames water just rebuilds it and puts another £50 onto the citizens water bills, Vandalise rail signalling systems, Network Rail will fix it and just put up fares to the workers. Never under estimate the capabilities of the inherently stupid. A while back they interviewed some Anti Fascists who had attacked and assaulted some far right activists and the police, when asked why did you attack the far right activists the left wingers said " Because they are violent thugs who beat up people" and they simply did not understand what they were doing was exactly the same actions they were objecting to others doing ?? You cannot plan for stupid.
6 December 2014, 13:09,
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RE: fighting back
why not post some threads yourself bp , instead of knocking others , if you have everything covered in your preps why are you here .
picking at posts
I live in devon so nothing will affect me [ how many times have we had to listen to this] put a sock in ....
Survive the jive (youtube )
6 December 2014, 13:21,
prepper operator
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RE: fighting back
On occasion I still hear from many of the old gang of survivalists and pioneering preppers and almost to a man ( woman or couple) they are still prepping and often say they are either trying to insulate themselves from todays society or to put as much distance as they can from todays society or to protect themselves from the way society is going etc, nearly all singing from the same page if not the same song.
One made a very good point in his letter sent with his Christmas card to me, he said something like
" We pay more taxes now than ever, we have more people in the UK than ever before, we have built more houses, more roads, more schools, more hospitals, more GPs surgeries, We have more anti crime / ant terror / anti fraud/ anti discrimination laws than ever before and we are spending far more on public services and utilities than ever before.
We wait longer than ever to see a GP who has less time than ever to diagnose us, We wait longer in A & E and have to pay to park now, We wait longer than ever before for a council house, we see ever less of the police in our communities yet to most people crime has done nothing but rise, We see train reliability fall whilst fares rise, We see more imports in the shops than British made goods, We have more burst water mains than ever ( esp down south) even though water bills have doubled, and we see Council tax bills rise EVERY YEAR but services from the councils like bin emptying, street light repair, pothole repairs, dog wardens, libraries, street cleaning only ever reduced.
We pay more and more only to get less and less, SOMETHING IS GOING TO GIVE and it wont be pleasant."