10 December 2014, 20:30,
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Choose your Partner
Did anyone else watch that programme about life on benefits last night - I think it was set in Blackpool? I sat in front of the TV, mouth open in wonderment at such people, and it started me thinking.........
I couldn't believe the sense of entitlement some of those people had; as if they were owed their benefits for doing nothing. Now imagine, not a full scale social breakdown with masses dying wilfully all over the place, no, just a partial one where a lot of people are still alive and on their feet and looking for, well, means of survival I guess. I'm not going to go all Orwellian over this, o.k. well just a bit, but what would you do if some mouthy, benefit-crazed woman turned up on your doorstep, shouting the odds. Would you do the nice thing and help out, or, repelled, turn the dogs loose? You probably won't be in some well-defended Welsh longhouse well away from the rest of the unwashed, but most likely in your own home watching things developing. So how equal is everyone? Do you choose who you help, if indeed you decide to help at all? To my shame (!), if some blobby mouthy person turned up on my door step, they would get nothing because I'm not sure I would consider them "worthy" of being helped - isn't that awful? Actually, I feel the same way about my BIL - useless tw*t - so I am obviously a bad person, but would the look and general demeanour of the person asking or demanding your assistance make a difference to how you would respond?
Or are some persons more equal than others?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
10 December 2014, 20:41,
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RE: Choose your Partner
Simple answer is don't help anyone, it will be your downfall if you do.
As soon as anyone knows you have more than others may have, you will become a target.
10 December 2014, 22:20,
(This post was last modified: 10 December 2014, 22:25 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: Choose your Partner
I don't blame the claimants, I blame the system we live in now, in encourages people to live off benefits, it creates a false and wrong sense of entitlement, I could go on but I seriously want to stay on good terms with Barney and he does have a very valid point about the obscenely rich getting richer whilst their are some people struggling to feed themselves in the UK.
We are all born equal ( cept for the scrounging Royals) but wilst many folks believe their destiny and future in their own hands and their wellbeing their own responsibility. But there are huge numbers who have believed the state sponsored propaganda that encourages the public to think the state should look after all of their needs. Health, Housing, Food, Education, Jobs, Raising Kids, Being good citizens etc.
My own preps rely on my own family caring for ourselves BUT also having a close mutual system of support with selected other preppers who share very similar outlooks as me. We openly encourage contact and cooperation between other families of preppers who put self reliance, self determination, self responsibility first and formost, and we try to not get to closely involved where people start talking about communes or obligatory social schemes.
I cannot think of any better analogy to share with you Msary than the Ant and the Grasshopper fable.
The Ant and the Grasshopper, revised edition
The following is the Democratic "common good" version of the old favourite the Ant and the Grasshopper:
Remember the ant and the grasshopper?
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes the ant is safe and warm.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The moral to the story being: BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF!
NEW VERSION . . . (sad but true)
The ant works hard, in the withering heat, all summer long.
He builds his house and stores supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks that the ant is a fool.
He laughs, dances and plays the summer away, preparing nothing for the coming winter.
Winter comes, the ant is safe and warm.
The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and fed, while others are cold and starving!
BBC, ITN, SKY & Al Jazeera show up to provide pictures of shivering grasshoppers, next to a video of an ant
in his comfortable home, with a table filled with food.
Britain is stunned by the sharp contrast! How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor
grasshopper is allowed to suffer this way?
Kermit the Frog appears on Trisha, with the grasshopper.
Everyone cries when they sing "It's Not Easy Being Green".
The TUC stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house, where the news stations film the group
singing "We Shall Overcome".
Ed Milliband then has the group pray for the grasshopper's sake, and reminds the group to contribute to his group, so that he can "continue the fight" for grasshoppers, everywhere!
Ed Balls & John Prescott exclaim, in an interview on Newsnight, that the ant has gotten rich, off
the back of the poor grasshopper!
Both call for an immediate tax hike, to make the ant pay "his fair share"!
Finally, the CRE drafts the "Economic Equity For Grasshoppers Act", retroactive to the beginning of the
The ant is fined for failing to hire the proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his house is confiscated by the government.
Cherie Blair gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper, in a defamation suit against the ant.
The case is tried in Crown court, with a jury comprised of unemployed welfare recipients.
Surprise! The ant loses the case!
The story ends, as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food, while the government house he lives in (which happens to be the ant's old house) crumbles around him,
due to lack of maintenance!
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found, dead, in a drug-related incident.
The house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders, who terrorize this once-peaceful neighborhood.
Its a damn good analogy, but even so I think both my preferred system of government ( free market economy, low tax, small government and lots of privatisation) has been abused by some rich and influential people to a point that it makes capitalism look nearly as bad as socialism. Todays big three parties are ALL almost totally similar they are all social liberals who are destroying the good things that both the left and right gave to society after WW2.
Mary your OBLIGATION extends to your FAMILY and CHOSEN FRIENDS, no more than that.
10 December 2014, 22:56,
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RE: Choose your Partner
in one thread everybodys saying the economy is f***ed and how much debt the uk is in .
next its people on the dole don't want work and expect free money.
what work....the economy done for.
paper today 6000 council jobs in brum to go why cuts , in 6 months will those poor folk be branded as work shy lazy.
how many more councils will have to lay off 1000s because of cuts.
call folk lazy ,work shy if you wish till its your turn.
its the blame game , blame the people with the least , I wonder how many programes will be on tv focusing on the big companys who pay little or no tax , no a report or to but whole series at the moment theirs one on bbc1 ,c4 ,c5 all showing folk on the dole as beer drinking fag smoking dossers.
funny how the ptb focus on them and not big tax doggers.
devide and rule....is the name of this game.......
Survive the jive (youtube )
10 December 2014, 23:00,
(This post was last modified: 10 December 2014, 23:02 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: Choose your Partner
Sunna your right, look at our economy, we used to export more than we imported, now we import most of the stuff we used to make from China, add to that the massive increase in automation, EG cars today are made to a much higher standard by a quarter of the staff used in the 70s, then the EU banning us from making ships, then taking our fishing grounds putting 50,000 fishermen out of work. it goes on an on and on
I found this from Condi Rice its aimed at the Democrats but is apt for much of the UK as well.
“If you are taught bitterness and anger, then you will believe you are a victim. You will feel aggrieved and the twin brother of agrievment is entitlement. So now you think you are owed something and you don’t have to work for it and now you’re on a really bad road to nowhere because there are people who will play to that sense of victimhood, agreivement and entitlement, and you still won’t have a job.” ~ Condaleeza Rice
Lets not forget Condi darling but the US is in a bigger mess than we Brits are. Both systems are broke.
10 December 2014, 23:52,
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RE: Choose your Partner
(10 December 2014, 23:00)NorthernRaider Wrote: there are people who will play to that sense of victimhood, agreivement and entitlement, and you still won’t have a job.
11 December 2014, 00:44,
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RE: Choose your Partner
(10 December 2014, 22:56)Sunna Wrote: in one thread everybodys saying the economy is f***ed and how much debt the uk is in .
next its people on the dole don't want work and expect free money.
what work....the economy done for.
paper today 6000 council jobs in brum to go why cuts , in 6 months will those poor folk be branded as work shy lazy.
how many more councils will have to lay off 1000s because of cuts.
call folk lazy ,work shy if you wish till its your turn.
its the blame game , blame the people with the least , I wonder how many programes will be on tv focusing on the big companys who pay little or no tax , no a report or to but whole series at the moment theirs one on bbc1 ,c4 ,c5 all showing folk on the dole as beer drinking fag smoking dossers.
funny how the ptb focus on them and not big tax doggers.
devide and rule....is the name of this game.......
You are wrong.
The economy is not f@@ked, we currently have one of the strongest economies in the world and as a small business owner I agree and can see this for myself.
Yes things are still tough and yes we have massive debt.
But also, yes 'many' people are work shy - the Eastern Europeans aren't, because they do not have the 'entitlement culture' to which Mary alluded. After all 'most' of the Eastern Europeans are in paid employment doing jobs that Brits do not want to do or for which we simply do not have enough trained people to do the work.
Now I'm trying to avoid making this another political argument ( please do the same - or we will moderate!), so keeping to the original topic that Mary raised, prepper/survivalists do indeed need to think very carefully about who they help/assist/tell about their own preps and situation as those with the entitlement culture will simply strip you bare like a plague of locusts.
11 December 2014, 09:17,
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RE: Choose your Partner
I try to work with people who at a similar level of preparedness as myself who are willing to invest as much time as I have and to put their money where their mouth is (for themselves not for me). That is where politics often creep into the issue because there are people even in prepping who think that preppers should be willing to give supplies and equipment and support to non preppers like the sheeple Mary refers to.
11 December 2014, 10:53,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Choose your Partner
If they are of benefit, e.g. doctor, they can get help. Otherwise they'll be lied to "Sorry, we're hungry and have no food either."
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin