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Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
26 March 2015, 12:03,
Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
I came across this little piece on the Internet and thought it might generate a little discussion.

The Titanic had just 20 lifeboats aboard when it sank April 15, 1912.
From a preparedness standpoint, we can draw several practical parallels or analogies from the disaster of the Titanic – and your adherence to the lessons learned will put you in a better place of readiness and safety…

The Titanic was originally fitted with enough lifeboats for more than everyone on board. However the company ordered the removal of two-thirds of them claiming that the 64 lifeboats made the ship look bad.

For this reason, of the 2,223 people on board, 1,517 lost their lives while only 706 survived.

Nearly as alarming was the percentage of lives that survived based on their cabin class.
61% of 1st-class passengers survived.
42% of 2nd-class passengers survived.
25% of 3rd-class passengers survived.
24% of the crew survived.

What can we learn from the Titanic tragedy?
Never fully trust that others have secured your safety.
There were two clear but false assumptions made by the passengers on the Titanic. One was that it would never sink. The other was that the notion of having enough lifeboats (preparedness) didn't even enter their minds.

It was such a magnificently huge ship and such a marvel of industry that it looked and seemed entirely invincible. The ship was so big that when you were on it, your perspective changed such that it barely seemed like a ‘typical’ ship of its day. The hype leading up to its voyage bolstered even more the indestructible facade and perception. Many of the ships passengers were no doubt gleeful and filled with some self-importance while playing their roles within the ‘high society’ of the 1st-class crowd – as surely feelings of exuberance also spilled into the 2nd and 3rd class cabins as well while the ship furthered its journey…

The Titanic sailed on – even through iceberg infested waters. After all, the Titanic was indestructible. We all know what happened that night.

Parallels and Analogies
One analogy is the comparison between the Titanic (and its passengers) and the current economy (and the public at large). The economy (and much of the global economy) has been pumped up into a seemingly indestructible and never-failing success while the majority of the public truly believe (assume) that everything’s A-Okay and always will be (normalcy bias). This ship cannot sink. At least that’s what they think. What they do not know is that this ship is navigating through waters filled with icebergs and all it’s going to take is one long gash in the hull and it’s over. The ship will sink. In the meantime, the band plays on…

Let’s talk about the lifeboats.
‘The company’ ordered that most of them be removed. Not only did they want it to simply ‘look better’, but they did not want to present an image that the ship may actually need that many lifeboats. Keyword: image.

Today’s ‘masters’ of the economy have been doing everything they can to present a positive image and have been purposely and blatantly hiding the things which may ‘alarm’ the sheeple. The vast majority of the passengers on this economic ship have no lifeboat (or a seat on a lifeboat) and when the ship goes down, they will perish.

Some of the lifeboats which were lowered from the sinking Titanic were far from filled to capacity. While none of us were there and we don’t exactly know what was going through their minds, it’s probably safe to say that some of man’s other traits were exposed (e.g. ‘dog eat dog’) while panic and desperation set in for one’s very survival. If we hit an iceberg today and suffered a full-scale economic collapse, there’s little doubt that a portion of the desperate populace will revert to a similar ‘dog eat dog’ (dangerous) mentality.

When realization set in (for some) on the Titanic that it was sinking, reportedly the band (entertainment) was ordered to play on, in an attempt to continue an illusion towards the passengers that everything’s still okay. Today’s analogy is the mainstream media who continue to push the general message that everything’s okay (regarding the good ship ‘Economy’) as their musical tone is always cheerful and fluffy. Rarely do you hear a deep or dark note in their song…

Let’s look at who survived the Titanic.
The clear majority of survivors were the 1st-class passengers while the lower classes suffered progressively worse. Is it not generally the same in real life? Interesting parallels, yes? Those ‘in power’, in higher positions, will take advantage of their position and resources to secure their own survival first. When it comes to survival, and it’s every man for himself, don’t expect the powers-that-be to save your ass. Think about that.

Let the Titanic be a lesson to you. Maintain a scepticism of anything that might be considered to be ‘unsinkable’.

Be sceptical. Look out for your own safety. Check facts for yourself. Open your eyes and look around. Recognize the smoke-and-mirrors. Analyse the risks. Think things through. Position yourself for better odds of survival. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way. Get out of your box and have a look at what’s outside that cosy little box.
26 March 2015, 15:34,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
Now then, are WE responsible for our own lifeboat or is the COMPANY supposed to furnish the lifeboat for us?
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
26 March 2015, 19:39,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT POST ! " you got it John " and I for one GET IT 100 % should i elaborate ? ..NO i have no need !....MB missed it again pal... please read it again will be interesting to see replies from all !.....fill your boots folks !
26 March 2015, 21:08,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
(26 March 2015, 19:39)Straight Shooter Wrote: ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT POST ! " you got it John " and I for one GET IT 100 % should i elaborate ? ..NO i have no need !....MB missed it again pal... please read it again will be interesting to see replies from all !.....fill your boots folks !

Good post John. Glad to see you're about still.

One word of curiosity though, was it the high class that survived because they were high class, or was it because they were likely on the higher decks and thus better able to get off the ship first? While the less affluent had positions lower in the ship so were first flooded or had a larger struggle to escape? Not the fault of the rich, being in better positions to hop ship than the less well off. However, for the sake on analogy, I get what you're saying.

SS, mate I think you've misunderstood MB's post. Or maybe I have. Think of it this way. Whose responsible for YOUR lifeboat, the gov or yourself? I think he's just saying that we're responsible to find our own way off the ship and build our own lifeboats, as the 'company' isn't doing anything to help us.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
26 March 2015, 22:00,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
i think its because they locked the steer ridge down so the rich could get out with out the panic of all them poor plebs running about
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
27 March 2015, 01:35,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
(26 March 2015, 21:08)Scythe13 Wrote: SS, mate I think you've misunderstood MB's post. Or maybe I have. Think of it this way. Whose responsible for YOUR lifeboat, the gov or yourself? I think he's just saying that we're responsible to find our own way off the ship and build our own lifeboats, as the 'company' isn't doing anything to help us.


I am not as much concerned with the class warfare aspect as the self reliance of the individual.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 March 2015, 07:32,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
Then there is the question of why we got on the Titanic when we could be on the QE2 having a lark off the Spanish coast, avoiding the icebergs completely, yet knowing there are plenty of life rafts or everyone if needed.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 March 2015, 09:47,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
It goes to show that as far as TPTB are concerned the rich and the privileged will always come first, the ordinary pleb/the working class/the poor will have to fend for them selves and always had to, but try telling that to "the masses" and you'll probably get an amazed/startled look and they wont believe no change there then!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 March 2015, 17:54,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
Your ship is sinking, TPTB are all out to get you, you can't fight the system, you are all going to die except for the privileged few.

So what's the plan now?
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 March 2015, 18:12,
RE: Analogy Of The 20 Titanic Lifeboats
just like the French revolution ,chop there heads off ,and start again Smile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!

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