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And now for something completely different
19 April 2015, 19:45,
And now for something completely different
Okay then....what are your views on the threats of war starting ,you can pick anywhere.... in any part of this ravaged world , who do you think the baddies are who do you think the goodies are, do you think financial collapse is coming before war ...or after or both ? keep your replies short as possible ...THE main point and second part is ...WHAT ARE YOU doing for your survival ....i know most of you are ready for most things BUT are you doing anything MORE..... or special ..that you would not normally prep for ...given this particular scenario.
19 April 2015, 21:04,
RE: And now for something completely different
North Korea, China, Iran or Russia could easily launch an EMP attack which would have severe consequences.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
19 April 2015, 21:17,
RE: And now for something completely different
Yes Charles ...could it be remotely possible that the UK , the USA,or any such part of the western alliance could launch the same technology on them....i wonder.
19 April 2015, 21:22,
RE: And now for something completely different
I think financial collapse is likely to come as a result of war and not (contrary to most) before war.

In the last 6 months I 'feel' (but have no evidence) that war is now far closer than it has been for a long time (but is still not a certainty).

The next war is likely to be Global - West (Europe/North America plus allies) v East (Russia/China/North Korea/Iran and other allies) v Extremist Factions

What am I doing? - Increasing supplies of tools; equipment; food stuffs and knowledge - particularly that of resources in the local and wider area.
19 April 2015, 21:42,
RE: And now for something completely different
Spot on DEV with one exception ....War is the direct result of a already collapsing western financial system ... as i type this, by the way ...its already began...WW3.... they just have,t announced it officially yet ...just a matter of timing ...when you think of it ...the general election is upon us ...the presidential election in the US in months....maybe both these would be cancelled...if there was a big enough event false emergency meeting of the G20 ....would not surprise me AT ALL.
19 April 2015, 21:59,
RE: And now for something completely different
their has yet to be a major war that did not involve Europeans as Europeans all fight on the same side ....who would want war with us

Russia....out gunned

the economy
if it went bad like in the 1930s .....what people still ate , drank , needed a bricklayer , sweets , milk ....just not as much most folk were just very poor almost nobody died of hunger , food banks , soup kitchens...a basic diet like in ww1 and 2 so if it went bang [did it not in 08] 10/15 years back to normal.

dev in the past said I was a doom and gloom sort of chap ...he was right ....I got taken in by prepping and survival seeing doom and gloom everywhere its just not the case.
mort once said nothing has happned to the world in the last 250,000 years ...he was right.

most of the world lives on a $1 a day with no clean water , nhs , aldi , car , bug out bag , dentist....I could go on.

if what ever killed off t rex and chums comes back were all fucked no bob will save you.
I prep for unemployment , weather , civil unrest in big citys , flood, strikes.

the old bogeyman is going to get us preppers are dead and history
prepping and survival must move on ....that's why most of the forums are dead ....nobody with a brain swallows it anymore.

enjoy life why you can
stick a few £$ away when you can
store some food when you can

the world will be here next year......Smile
Survive the jive (youtube )
19 April 2015, 22:47,
RE: And now for something completely different
(19 April 2015, 21:59)Sunna Wrote: dev in the past said I was a doom and gloom sort of chap ...he was right ....I got taken in by prepping and survival seeing doom and gloom everywhere its just not the case.
mort once said nothing has happned to the world in the last 250,000 years ...he was right.
the world will be here next year......Smile

I agree.............. but............. as in my previous post I just have this uneasy "feeling" about where the world is at the moment.

And I don't feel it has anything to do with the economy or finance etc, it's more to do with empire building and power.

Obviously wealth goes hand in hand with power, but those seeking the power already have more wealth than they are ever likely to need, so I really do think it is more to do with ideologies (or ego's!).

As for it has never happened before, well the world has never been as small as it is today, even during the World Wars it would have taken weeks/months to get around the world, whereas today, it's a case of hours...

As for the religious wars ('Currently' West/Christianity v IS/Islam), well hasn't that been going on for 100's/1000's of years?

Also the Nazi's had never existed before... and we'd never had the Cold War, before the Cold War.....

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the world is going to turn to shite in the next few months, it's just things are probably more volatile than they have been for a long time and it only take one idiot in power for it to all go downhill very very quickly....
19 April 2015, 22:48,
RE: And now for something completely different
Its not a question of who would want war with us Sunna ...its the reverse in fact...its just how i read it ...its how i see it, as for 2007/8 no it did not go bang....the WB the fed ,BOE gave big to stop banks going under,to prop up the whole system ...even the EU has started QE to kick the can down the road, in the thirties at least there was a gold standard ....currencies were backed with real money GOLD such backing now ...just a load of derivatives at 100 to 1 that cannot EVER be paid back if called in , as for DOOM AND GLOOM it may sound like it ...but call a spade a spade ...i do...if you cannot see what i see.... its me for MORT 2500,000 claim which i have never seen.....sorry i disagree with that .
20 April 2015, 08:53,
RE: And now for something completely different
The next war is likely to be Global - West (Europe/North America plus allies) v East (Russia/China/North Korea/Iran and other allies) v Extremist Factions

WHY DEV ? ....if Sunna is correct they are all out gunned so why? who is the aggressor here ? who is forcing who into action? ....I take it everyone is aware of the dollar collapsing and loosing its world primary currency status everyone is slowly getting out of the dollar , " show me the gold " where has it GONE ....east.....what do they know?....or fear...follow the money..... the fact is the big bullies who try to exert their influence and power to gain even more power and influence ...eventually get an uppercut ....just like GARY in a previous post of mine... top heavy overheads Kill any organization big or small you can over reach easy and because of the size and complexity NO one sees the outcome till its to late ...the fall becomes unstoppable ...just like ROME ...just like the British empire ...this current cycle will end the same way.
20 April 2015, 11:18,
RE: And now for something completely different
I have always though(and still do) since 9/11 that there will be an all out war between the Moslems/Al-quida/ISIS call them what you want, vs all the "unbelievers" in the west. the winner takes it all.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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