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And now for something completely different
20 April 2015, 11:27,
RE: And now for something completely different
Well, I can agree with several of the opinions expressed here. The world is a lot more volatile than it has ever been (I don't mean volcanoes, I mean people), and with the overcrowding and rampant problems, I suspect there will be some difficulties ahead. Like BP, I think it will be Islam -v- The West - we already have stirrings in this country and other parts of Europe; immigration will only add massive amounts of fuel to the fire. The collapse of the EU is also going to be a problem. I could go on..... keep growing the veggies, stashing food and living a self-sufficient life is all I am going to say.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
20 April 2015, 12:01,
RE: And now for something completely different
(20 April 2015, 08:53)Straight Shooter Wrote: WHY DEV ? ....if Sunna is correct they are all out gunned so why?

But surely the Taliban were out gunned; as were the Viet Cong; as were the IRA; as are IS; as are the Ethiopian Pirates; as are Boko Haram??? etc etc.....

It's not about what firepower you have, it's about your will, beliefs and determination......

And that's why Religion is so bloody dangerous!
20 April 2015, 13:56,
RE: And now for something completely different
There is a world of difference between fighting for a paycheck and fighting when you believe you are doing God's will , we saw just how big a difference when IS fighters routed the Iragi armed forces at Mosul...hugely outnumbered and outgunned but terrifying and brutal and fully commited.....luckily(for us) not all Muslim's see it the way IS do......I think it could be the end of day's as prophesised in the Quran , an army clad in black and all that!....don't think it will be the sole cause but could be the catalyst.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
21 April 2015, 07:56,
RE: And now for something completely different
Quite right we are getting somewhere , fabrication of fiction , enemies ,boogie men ....that have to be stopped...they threaten our very existence....our well equipped state of the art army's bristling with superior weapons ....are no match for a forty year old AK47 ...besides they do not fight fair....illusion is everything.
21 April 2015, 14:46,
RE: And now for something completely different
War still remains the most dangerous threat, the Elite and their cabals have always needed an enemy to focus the masses when their domestic situation isn't going smoothly. They behave in the same pattern no matter where you look in history, nothing changes. They select an enemy whether real or imagined and focus all the propaganda at their fingertips to sway public opinion into following the path chosen for them.
The Middle East is the obvious flashpoint with hostilities now in Yemen being used as an excuse to blame Iran for supporting the local Shiite faction. The wildcard is Israel with it's purported 200 + - nuclear missiles, if it came to it I see no reason why Israel would not nuke every major Islamic city and shrine if it came to a point of survival. The ramifications in that scenario are truly apocalyptic, yet the doomsday clock has moved forward, as the panel see it to the most dangerous time in our history. Even a limited war (if there ever can be one) will see thousands of non nuclear missiles fired and the very real threat of closure to the straights of Hormuz, we all know the outcome of that one don't we!
So for me it remains that good old curse of humanity WAR.
Seriously; WTF is wrong with these people.
21 April 2015, 14:50,
RE: And now for something completely different
from a purely (selfish?) British point of view, I see the main threat coming from "Radical" Islamic Terrorists ALREADY living in the UK, might be a small threat at the moment but this could expand to be a major problem.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
21 April 2015, 16:56,
RE: And now for something completely different
Spot on TH ! great post !
21 April 2015, 20:55,
RE: And now for something completely different
It alost seems that our government here is trying to foment a replay of the Civil War through the use (misuse?) of the Bureau of Land Management. In the last six months, the BLM thugs tried (without success) to seize a Nevada Rancher's (Clive Bundy's) cattle, sieze land on the banks of the Red River on the border of Texas and Oklahoma, and is currently trying to sieze gold mining claims, some dating back to the mid 1800's.

So far the governor of Texas, local sheriffs, veterans' groups like Oath Keepers, militias, and the "Three Percenters" have managed to both keep the BLM thugs from siezing much of anything and kept the confrontations from going "hot", but it's only a matter of time before some government jerk with a firearm and no brains fires the first shot.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!

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