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28 April 2015, 19:30,
This one is for our bro,s over in the USA ....What is jade helm ? How is it being sold to you ?, do you believe what is told you ? are you at all worried ? is it true seven states are taking part ? over two months ? .....seems very odd to me over here in the UK ......i have the ability to smell brown matter huge distances...please help ....and dispel the stench for me!
28 April 2015, 20:54, (This post was last modified: 28 April 2015, 21:16 by Mortblanc.)
First of all, let me say that the protests, resistance and demonstrations involved with this training operation is due to the fear of the current administration. Most of America knows that we now have a president that wishes to be dictator. Fact is he thought he was being elected dictator and was very disappointed when not given god-like power on is inauguration. His hostility toward our present congress and our Constitution is due to their efforts to restrain him. He is what our founding fathers wrote the Constitution to prevent.

Second, we have a law in this nation called the Posse Comatadius which was passed as part of the negotiations that ended the "Reconstruction" period after our Civil War. For more than a decade after the CW the southern states were ruled by military government under a state of permanent martial law. Trials were in military court under code of military justice and not jury trial. Voting rights were stripped from the population and the south was treated as a defeated colonial region. (The remnants of this system were still in operation 100 years after the end of the War in the form of restrictive shipping rates and federal taxation on various products.)

At the end of that period one of the laws demanded was that US troops would never be used to police US citizens again. US troops are not to engage in "combat operations" inside the borders of the US, or even in riot control. That is the duty of the National Guard or police.

The people protesting the present operations see the training as "practice" for taking control of the population and installing martial law. We have very large military bases here where this training could be done, and the troops involved in this "training" have had plenty of experience in real life urban combat and resettlement zones and really do not need any "practice" on the streets of our cities. Each military base in the US has a small "city" attached to it occupied by the dependents and families of the troops where this training would be normal daily life. They do not need to take over the local Walmart.

I must point out that US troops practice and train in a multitude of scenarios constantly. I was given urban guerilla warfare, riot control and population suppression training when I was in service in the 1970s. However, all that training was done on a military base and not across the wide ranging countryside in the midst of the general population.

During WW2 it was different and troops trained on private land in large scale maneuvers in preparation for the European invasion, using US terrain that was similar to what they would encounter in Europe. But we knew what that effort was about and it was Red forces against Blue forces, not US Special Forces against rebels in their own land.

US troops move across the highways in convoy on a regular basis, troops blend with the population while in uniform with a great deal of respect. Due to the present conflicts there are few of us that do not have someone in our families or a close friend in uniform. This is not fear of the military, it is fear of the Federal Administration.

The troops also know the law! They are aware that they are not to engage against US citizens. Our troops swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution, not to the president or any member of state.

In order to evade this, our current president has formed a private army by use of the "enforcement powers" of the executive branch. The largest police force in world history. Even our National Weather Service has an "enforcement branch" which is fully armed and militarized and answers directly to the President.

Each Cabinet level department has an armed response force and they number in the tens of thousands and have purchased BILLIONS OF ROUNDS OF AMMO in the past 6 years.

What the people fear is that the present training is "practice". Use the troops to sweep through responding to a false flag event, disarm the population under noble pretenses, then have the Administration's private army (Federal Police Force) secure the areas much like to old Soviet Union operated in Eastern Europe.

Round up possible resistance, inter them in concentration camps, crush all civil authority and any political opposition.

We are aware of the power and allegiance of our military, we are aware of the power of our police forces (which we keep weak purposely), what we fear is the intent of our current president and the minions around him.

Yes, the people smell a stink.

And do not miss the intent with continuation of the exercises in Texas.

Texas is one of the strongest conservative areas of the nation and has been a constant opposition to Obama's agenda.

There has even been a small secessionist movement in that state. In fact, most of the planned exercises were scheduled in states with strong conservative population bases.

They are being shown that the Federal Government is still boss and Obama is still in charge.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
28 April 2015, 21:24,
A very good post MB ..which i expected of you ! ....Charles ...step on up !
28 April 2015, 21:42,
Mort described the situation quite accurately. Our Bill of Rights is being destroyed piece by piece. I am told that many of the hundreds of people arrested during the rioting in Baltimore are not city or even Maryland residents, but are leftist thugs brought in from elsewhere to start trouble and to foment an insurrection. Local authorities wanted for things to "blow over" and allowed the "peaceful demonstrations" to escalate. The mayor feared criticism and gave rioters time to smash, loot and burn.

The Guard should have been activated sooner and resistance quashed like a bug.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
28 April 2015, 22:00, (This post was last modified: 28 April 2015, 22:06 by Straight Shooter.)
Come on forward JP

While we await you yanks see anything like this in the UK or Europe ?...any topic you like... feel free ... unload the lot ..full belt !
28 April 2015, 23:03,
There is little connection I can make between this training operation and anything in Europe or GB in the present day.

The closest thing I can compare it too is the situation from history where a country would mobilize their reserves in a show of force.

This is a similar effort, except the show of force is directed toward our own citizens.

The only other possible need for this training is the event of invasion of an organized guerilla army from Mexico, since all the training areas are in the southwestern border states and across the southern tier of the Gulf of Mexico. And as I stated before, these just happen to be areas not supporting Obama politically.

Factually, the President has done all he can to promote that invasion by not securing our southern border from the largest mass movement of population in the history of the Earth. We have no English Channel or Hadrian's wall, just a barbed wire fence, and that is party down.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
28 April 2015, 23:31,
I am truly amazed by your take MB ...and Charles .....which from a outsider like me i see the same thing a overview type of what are everyday Joe,s doing ? saying? are they aware ? do they even CARE...what,s happening ? is there anyone stepping up ...or just stepping down...indifference what....or are they more concerned with food that is something we have in common MB
29 April 2015, 00:41,
Of course the people are aware, They are raising teetotal hell!

That is why you have heard about it and the deal is all over the internet.

We know exactly what is going on. We are now a nation with access to immediate news and on site information.

The military knows we know what is going on. They are us, citizen soldiers who know they will return to civilian life after brief service. Very few that serve over here are career military.

The President knows we know what is going on. That is his point. He despises us and our way of life and wants us to know it. His purpose in attaining his position was stated as a profound and complete change in the structure of America. That can only be accomplished with disposal or dispatch of the Constitution and subjection of the population.

Only in the small pockets and urban areas will one find a culture of entitlement over here. In spite of the media hype most of the population is working, most are making a good income and most would be willing to fight an organized resistance against tyranny if necessary.

That is why this exercise is so important to the Administration. They must show they have the ability to crush opposition inside our nation. They never expected to fight a media supported PR battle before the "practice session" even started.

Their continuation in the face of protest leaves no one in doubt of their intent.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
29 April 2015, 01:13,
The Democratic party is being dominated by Socialists and Communists and is no.longer the party of JFK or Harry Truman. Obama is a leftist radical and even those who voted for him enthusiatically are waking up and the young millenials are begining to realuze he has mortgaged their furture to buy votes. The POTUS is a puppet, the Manchurian Candidate from Kenya. An African dictator taking over America.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
29 April 2015, 09:00, (This post was last modified: 29 April 2015, 09:01 by Straight Shooter.)
Quite right MB it is all over the net, its why i know ....its obvious ..what is not so obvious is the grass roots response...after fighting for your constitution ...for it to be just frittered away..Americans are made of better stuff to just keel over and allow it to happen surely seems true patriots have become a terrorist a guy that walks with a swagger like Fred Astair....or THE PINK PANTHER ...just can,t make my mind up.....which.

Also Mexico....did not see that one at all ! MB

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