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Bare shaft tuning
26 April 2015, 20:34,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Here's a good tutorial on the Flemish twist Talon, it's easier to show someone than on a video but this is the best we can do, and it's easy. The knack is keeping the twist nice and tight and even, it helps if you use a liberal coating of Beeswax on the skeins/strands as the wax helps the twists grip each other.
I make these for all my bows apart from my KG Osprey which is Carbon so uses a fastflight string. Remember it's a clockwise twist, but you are wrapping the skeins anti-clockwise around each other.
28 April 2015, 04:54,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Thanks I'll try it at the weekend.The Osprey is a lovely bow btw.
28 April 2015, 10:45,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
The Osprey is a very sweet Bow to shoot Talon, no stacking, smooth and has good speed, out of all my bows it's the one I'd pick up.
1 May 2015, 20:02,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Well I managed to snag an Osprey locally yesterday and so far I'm very impressed.It has a 14lb lighter draw than I'm used to (probably too light for me really) so my 500 spine shafts are way too stiff for her.I've tried a 600 spine Gold Tip and it hits nock centre without any trimming with a 125 grain point so that saves me from having to break out the saw.
2 May 2015, 10:30,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Well done Talon, they are a lovely Bow aren't they, and probably one of the prettiest too. Don't talk to me about arrows, I went shooting yesterday and lost one, I'd only made them the night before, I spent half an hour looking for the bloody thing, but I'll be back tommorow and give it another search. Nice and "Jammy" you being able to use a 600 without cutting mate, now any fine tuning can be done with your point weight.
2 May 2015, 10:51,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
This is great thread, its way over my head .....but a real pleasure to watch it develop.....this is what SUK used to be like ! crack on lads n lasses.
2 May 2015, 11:50,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Thanks SS, we are talking about having your arrows matched/tuned to your Bow, this allows your Bow to impart the greatest amount of energy into your arrow without the arrow becoming unstable. When we talk about "spine" it means the amount an arrow bends as it leaves the string, stiffer spine means the arrows bends less, weaker spine more. The arrow has to bend just the right amount to clear the handle, no more no less, anything outside this range means your arrows are not performing as they should and this will effect accuracy and arrow speed. You want your arrows to fly as smoothly as possible for obvious reasons.
Here's a slow mo video of a correctly spined arrow.

Here's a video of a poorly spined arrow too stiff, watch how the arrow starts to fly with the Nock (back end) pointing right. It will continue to fly like this to the target.
2 May 2015, 14:23,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
MANY THANKS T H great explanation and vids was of great help to me..even when i was not looking if you get my drift.
2 May 2015, 14:31,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Yeah the Osprey is a beautiful bow,mines not quite as nice as your carbon version though.
I hit lucky with that shaft.I just need to wait until Thursday for Merlin to restock and I can get another five and really get to know her.Sorry to hear about the lost arrow man,It's always a pain losing/breaking them.Carbon makes a really nice arrow but those buggers aren't cheap.
I find watching an arrow go through it's paradox fascinating.This video shows what a too light spined arrow will do from a too heavy bow with some cracking backing music from Loreena McKennittCool
2 May 2015, 14:50,
RE: Bare shaft tuning
Great vid Talon thank you.

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