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Speed Shooting
3 May 2015, 15:51,
Speed Shooting
Cab anyone give me pointer or links, no youtube, to archery speed shooting.
Preferably with pictures
3 May 2015, 17:22,
RE: Speed Shooting
It's not really in my area of interest but you could start by looking up information on Lajos Kassai .

A lot of speed shooting is geared more towards eastern horseback archery,especially with a thumb ring.I would advise not looking at the Lars Anderson video's,although he's very fast (he uses oversized nocks) he's full of himself and spouts a lot of absolute crap about rediscovering old archery techniques which he most certainly hasn't.
The english and welsh longbow men could put a lot of arrows into the air in short order,but I'm guessing it's more the Lajos Kassai style of speed shooting you're interested in.
3 May 2015, 18:42,
RE: Speed Shooting
Thanks I'll look at Lajos Kassai.
I don't want videos.
I was reading story about post SHTF set in UK and using bows and speed shooting from the quiver.

Just wanted something on paper with pictures and if any history pertaining to UK on the subject.
3 May 2015, 19:39,
RE: Speed Shooting
The fastest way to get arrows off is to hold the arrows in the bow hand.You'll never get the same sort of speed if you first have to take an arrow out of the quiver.
As far as I know European archery was never geared towards speed shooting like the eastern horseback archers.

Western archery was more geared towards shooting en mass against an oncoming army and creating the arrow storm.There's also the likely hood of you losing power,accuracy and penetration as speed shooting means you may not be pulling back to a full draw and giving you're self enough time to really get on target,unless of course you're as skilled as Lajos Kassai.

That's not to say you can't get arrows downrange pretty damn fast from a quiver and a full draw,you can but it will never match the speed of a skilled eastern archer using a thumb ring and holding his spare arrows in his bow hand.
I've found no info on historical speed shooting in the western style,and to be honest the internets so flooded with Lar's bullĀ£$%& that even finding historical info on eastern speed shooting is a trawl.
War archery was usually either western styled en mass at a body of men or eastern horse/chariot archery which was a much faster mobile style and bloody impressive to watch a skilled archer recreate.
And unless you're shooting at a herd of Buffalo from horseback speed shooting makes no sense for hunting.

Well I'm guessing that ramble was absolutely no help to youBlush.Hopefully Tartar can chime in and fill in anything I missed.
3 May 2015, 23:05,
RE: Speed Shooting
Talon is correct the fastest way is to hold your arrows in your Bowhand and practise slowly. A lot of what you see on YT? Is trick shooting using very weak bows so they can draw them rapidly, it's very different to using higher poundage draw weights. You need to practise nocking without looking as the first step. Hold a couple of arrows in your bowhand with your bow and practise taking them out and nocking without taking your eyes off the target, a tip is to use indexed nocks so you can feel which way the Cock feather lies and hold the arrows so they line up. If you fletch your arrows with four feathers then it doesn't matter which way you put them on the string. It will take a lot of practice but that's all it is.
4 May 2015, 07:16,
RE: Speed Shooting
Thanks for all your information.
All very helpful and that is a genuine helpful.
4 May 2015, 09:21,
RE: Speed Shooting
Speed is fine, accuracy is final.

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