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31 May 2015, 15:52,
We are told by the main media that the outlook is good here in the UK , in fact we here in the UK are the best off in the whole of Europe.

The present government say they have created more (jobs) and they plan to carry on ....on this truly fantastic trend.

They also tell us that they will create the environment to enable first time buyers to buy that new home and get on the ladder.....WOW....more fantastic stuff .

They also tell us they will improve the NHS.... build new runways, better roads and infrastructure .....and then tell us austerity measures will continue to get the balance of payments right and build even more fantastic stuff for all of us to share in......and just to top off ...dave will personally see to it that a new deal will be reached with Brussels...he will achieve this single handed on our ....what a guy ! He actually believes his own bullshit ...which is even more scary....if you have ever watched the film DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDREL'S.....George Osborne reminds me of Rupricked ...can,t really think why ?

Anyway.....the theme here is good stuff is happening....don,t worry about a thing ...the good ship UK is on a straight and true course , yes things are fine and some difficulties may be encountered but the crew are ready to deal with anything thrown their way........provided its within their control ......that bit is the get out clause ........provided its within their control....... and in any event WE are ALL in it TOGETHER .....very comforting , this really does ease my mind.

People watching.

Things i have noticed while out and about....people watching every
people watching every penny....using coupons at checkouts
returning some items to stay on budget
"its cheaper at so and so"
lists in constant use ....more than ever
people out of the area shopping at ALDIs they do not want the neighbours to see they shop at such a place .

not as many cars ,vans and lorries
people driving slower
the average fuel ...£10....check it out for yourselves
people old enough for bus passes ......use them....over sixties
new cars ....a lot less

boot sales are very busy here in South Wales
garages offer cheap MOT s oil...

CAR SALES part ex ever
free valet
new tyres


lower stock levels....but you can have it tomorrow !
staffing the hi vis ....they are there somewhere
parked up lorries
customers.....these are people without hi vis....they are there somewhere !
this weeks special....not so special
three in the office looking real busy....eating have become invisible.

these are just some observations i make EVERYDAY around here ...i dare say its not the same everywhere....What do YOU see where you live? or is SS just jerking off here ? [/size]
31 May 2015, 18:57,

That is not the case here. Sure people are watching their pennies but the amount of people at clubs and pubs spending like there is no tomorrow has to be seen to be believed.

Things are looking up, for some.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
31 May 2015, 19:29,
I drive all over the uk and what I see is almost non stop road works , most towns I drive through are having building work done on government / council buildings , their is a lot of government cash being spent ......what happens when they stop.

remember they won.

our recovery I believe is only short term

when this gov work is finished and contracts also finished what then.
Survive the jive (youtube )
31 May 2015, 19:40,
I must say things appear to be booming here in East Anglia. Having said that, I notice that the cut-price stores like Aldi and Lidl are always busy, but I think that is mainly because people like to get value for money - I shop there myself - great buys sometime and I can preen. It's only common sense to try and get a good bargain - leaves more cash for other things.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
31 May 2015, 20:33,
All pretty busy down this part of the world as well.

Most builders (my main clients) are busy with plenty of forward orders, plus lots of new major housing developments going ahead.

And apparently new car sales are at a record high as well
31 May 2015, 20:44,
SD ....yes i can believe what you say regards clubs being busy ...this is true here also least on a Friday and the building supply this week one lad was telling some guys he had a great weekend in Cardiff...blew best part of £200 bucks...but this included taxi fairs...which sort of made it okay then......two weeks ago went to the small holders spring fair at Builth Wells ...£14 per person to get in, we took in a bag, sausage ,fried onions, finger rolls, crisps , water we sat by the main snowfield watching the horse and traps going against the clock, this couple sat beside us asking if it was okay....fine no probs we said, they had a box of fish n chips each bought from the cabin near i opened the our bag took out the plastic tubs and made some hot dogs....the lady glanced over and said "you have come prepared" i replied yes austerity measures love....she said we just paid £7.80 each for this and we are throwing it in the bin..only eat half of it....not nice at all... I must also tell you ALL food stands had big queues and doing good bis which did surprise us...
31 May 2015, 20:49,
I think it's more the populace is believing the hype that we've been saved, and we're super wealthy again.

Check Google and tell me how much debt we have in relation to GDP.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
31 May 2015, 21:11,
Exactly S13 ...but Dev,s post looks as if things are picking up....where he is at least......more part time jobs soon i spect...MacDonalds will be opening more outlets......instead of closing them down. pubs will make a come back, Greece will work its way out of debt SPAIN will bounce back along with ITALY everything will be wonderful once again....yes i am feeling more positive than ever....might even stop prepping its looking that good. hold on....let me skin up another joint.....i mean it stands to reason its great here in the UK.....the rest of the world has got their economics wrong poor bastards.....parachute George the messiah into all countries of the globe....why has nobody thought of this......yes i know ....i am awesome.
1 June 2015, 12:56,
One for SD.....this morning a old friend called on me ....lock gone on his front door....i pick up some tools and parts and up i go....."they say there,s no money about" he says ....full stadium at the FA Cup....people are buying cars ! old place are busy...tyres..... aye things are coming back ! .....then he tells me that the 4 houses with for sale placards have been hanging about for 2 years ...they have dropped the prices to !bloody odd it is boyo...i mean anything around here go,s quick normally ....where do you have a pint these days SS .....i have not gone for a pint in two years pal....f..k me ! have you found god ?....are you going to chapel ? mind you some of the lads reckon you been hiding out with lord Lucun ....i laugh and explain about wifey.....the pub was bursting this weekend he said....people eating people drinking and spending must be me then SD .
1 June 2015, 18:56,
SS, Not sure what you are saying but if I read you correctly you are saying things are bad where you live.

I don't disagree that things are bad with some. In many places it is not and people having to tighten their belts is hardly noticeable. They don't think of what things were like over 15 years ago. We are just used to having less free cash now. Kids don't see it as a problem and with having no chance of affording a house they just piss their money away.

Last night I went to the local retail park with the kids to get a McDonalds and there were a group of 20+ all with high powered cars; top of the range BMW's, Mercs, etc. Kids and OAPs are keeping the economy going.

It isn't all doom and gloom. Only for us worrying about the future.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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