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Assessing the Family
5 September 2015, 21:31,
Assessing the Family
O.K., so now we have added the MIL to the menagerie. That makes 3 of us here plus the animaux. I need to do a bit of a reassessment of our situation. I was happily gliding along, with the occasional bump or dip now and then, and I think things have to change a bit.

It's not so much the food that I have to reconsider, but with a wrinklie now part of the family, do I need to stock up on denture cleaner and incontinence pads? It's a scary thought, and I'm not sure I want to share my point of view with said wrinklie. I'm not even sure she would understand what SHTF is. Oh dear!

Then of course there are the other members of OH's family who, presumably,are going to make visits to see the old dear. Unfortunately, the main visitor is likely to be the BIL and/or his offspring. I am sorry to say that the BIL has as much use, in my honest opinion, as a tit on a bull and is far less desirable in terms of, well, anything. I really do not wish him to find out (the old dear tells him everything) about my prepping sensibilities. To be honest, the thought of him and his unwashed family descending on my doorstep fills me with horror. I need to get the collie's teeth sharpened!

Oh dear!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
6 September 2015, 00:39,
RE: Assessing the Family
First time I ever encountered a situation where one considered one self well equipped for SHTF but not for the MIL moving in! Perhaps WW3 would have been more convenient.

Did you really think that SHTF would include your entire family disappearing so you would not be bothered with them?

Buy what you need to buy, tell her nothing about it and move along.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
6 September 2015, 10:57,
RE: Assessing the Family
I'm with MB. Just adjust what you need and what skills you need now and adapt.

Think of how she will fit in if an event happens will she be able to help, even babysitting is a help, or simply be a burden. I'm of the opinion that there is always something that someone can do although it is not always obvious. You don't say what is up with her but the fact she asked to be taken in shows she still has her marbles so there is a lot of things that she can do if it comes down to it.

In a similar way I acquired a son in law and now looking like a daughter in law I assessed them and found where they could fit in. He is very handy with his hands and a bit of a handyman and she is a chef. What can go wrong. Well, he is also an alpha male and we have butted heads before now and she is a strong lady with her own opinions but luckily not a feminist. Nothing is perfect.

You will adapt you have the right mindset.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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