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Sting 3B
19 October 2015, 11:04,
Sting 3B
Dammit to hell and back CRKT have taken my favourite boot knife the AG Russell STING AND the Barstewards have taken EVERY MODIFICATION I could possibly dream of or want and made the Sting 3B

The original CRKT Sting is a good tool but could have been better for EDC use esp in civvy togs, but it looks like they have been listening to owners and brought out a slimmed down and grippier version.

But its not for sale in the UK yet , Life is just so bloody unfair. You absolute bunch of bloody shits CRKT Smile

19 October 2015, 22:13,
RE: Sting 3B
Nice. I do like the CRKT stuff. If you email Heinnie Haynes they've been known to do special orders - fairly certain they'd be able to get one in for you.

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