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22 November 2015, 17:32,
RE: Observations
(22 November 2015, 14:49)Sunna Wrote: if we can think of these things so can they....would they realy poison the water supply their are so many of their own kind in the big citys.

There aren't so many "of their own kind", the jihadists despise moslems who live amongst westerners, they believe we are as animals. In their twisted minds they would be doing the Parisian moslems a service by killing them in jihad, allowing them a chance to get to paradise.

There is no point in attempting logical predictions of fanatical murderers who believe in sky-fairies - they will kill anyone who isn't in their own sect.
22 November 2015, 17:38,
RE: Observations
forget about the religion, that's just an excuse, what we are dealing with here is a "cult, and a DEATH cult at that.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 November 2015, 19:18,
RE: Observations
(22 November 2015, 14:49)Sunna Wrote: if we can think of these things so can they....would they realy poison the water supply their are so many of their own kind in the big citys.

Yes I believe they would, and as Steve has said the extremists do not believe that the Muslims in the UK or France etc are "Real Muslims" and so deserve the same fate as the infidels...... If they were real Muslims then according to IS they would be living in the Caliphate under Sharia law!
22 November 2015, 20:44,
RE: Observations
To be honest, it's not looking too great, is it! We are now under quite a threat which, although it probably isn't going to be too much of a threat to most of us, is still hanging over our heads. The bearded loonies have escaped from the asylum and are running amok - and there is no reasoning with lunatics. Best we can do for now is to stay away from cities and crowded areas, and anything that looks like it could be a threat.

It would be dead easy for some jihadi to poison a water supply; down a few major electricity pylons and even get into a nuclear site if the will and firepower was there. Then Deity help us all.

This is not going to end well...... and even if our beloved leaders get off their fannies and try to do something, I don't think they have a clue.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
22 November 2015, 22:55,
RE: Observations
I simply love your phrase "Bearded Loonies" and may have some bumper stickers made:

Beware of Bearded Loonies!

In hope of increasing general awareness and preparedness, without being accused of bigotry. I suppose same Canadian may get his knickers in a wedgie, but most of those chaps outside Quebec have a sense of humour, at least they did when my bumper sticker said:

I Don't Break for Newfies!

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
23 November 2015, 08:49,
RE: Observations
I have to make the point that the 'authorities' do appear to be very slow at any meaningful reaction to what is going on in the world with regard, mostly, to 'terrorists'.
Maybe thay think it is a five minute wonder and it will go away if they ignore it long enough.
Maybe they have their own secret agenda and this helps them with that.
Maybe they are just so confused they do not know what to do.
Maybe they are just waiting for someone else to come up with the universal answer.

As for being prepared perhaps a little more focus than usual.
23 November 2015, 09:55,
RE: Observations
I see they are talking about "rapid response" army units now, but how can they do that when they have decimated the armed services??
emphasis on the word "talking".
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 November 2015, 12:37,
RE: Observations
there was a plot to poison our water supplies by the IRA many moons ago , the manpower is there in the form of territorial's and people on the reserve list and nuclear facilities are policed by armed guards....not saying it's impossible to breach a facility but it's certainly not the easy target they seem to prefer
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
23 November 2015, 14:34,
RE: Observations
the slow response and lack of commitment and action is down to fear of making a mistake and thus becoming unelectable , this has been the big stumbling block in democracies for ever.....dictatorships have no such issues, they just forge ahead with there vision of what should be done regardless, we need a headstrong maverick with the bottle to lock horn's with anybody on the strength of there feeling of right and wrong , dare I say it a Winston or a Maggie , instead we have self serving snivelling position hungry committee buck passers.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
23 November 2015, 14:44,
RE: Observations
nothing we can do from an individual point of view, especially whilst a lot of toffy nosed public school boys are in charge, does anyone have any concrete suggestions from a prepper or survivalist point of view?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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