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Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
4 December 2015, 22:48,
RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
The mass shooting at a Christmas party carried out by a heavily-armed husband and wife in California is officially being treated as a terrorist attack.

The FBI has confirmed that the massacre is being investigated as an "act of terrorism" for the first time.

It comes after officials confirmed that the woman, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State and its leader on Facebook using an alias.

The last paragraph troubles me. That's awfully convenient isn't it, it'll certainly help with restricting certain rights and purchase over there, and help push other agendas. Double whammy, good play.
Bit obvious though chaps, or was that intentional?

5 December 2015, 01:14,
RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
If it happened somewhere without as much gun restrictions then maybe. Regardless it's now the first time the American government has admitted a terrorist attack
Of this sort since 9/11. (Fort hood was apparently workplace violence and the Boston bombing stuff was just disenfranchised youths or something). Mere weeks since Obama declared Isis contained. (A day or so before Paris attacks) and now this. Very difficult for them to say Islamic terrorism but they finally have acknowledged it.
5 December 2015, 10:32,
RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
Y'know 25 years ago I never if ever heard the terms Islam, Islamist, Jihad, Shariah, Muslim extremists, I only ever heard very brief reference in the UK to Muslims normally in association with them working in the mills in Lancashire. But these days (yes I appreciate news and coms is better served) I never go a day without reading about Muslims, terrorists, extremism, demands for special treatment, them being offended or insulted etc its all very sad and unfortunate for us.

5 December 2015, 15:04,
RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
Don't tell anyone you noticed that. It might offend someone.
5 December 2015, 23:02,
RE: Mass shooting in CA, 12 dead
The fact that the FBI has assumed the lead in the investigation means that it is being treated as a terrorist act, and while local resources are still participating, they are no longer in command. The incident commander under the unified command is now the FBI's SAIC. The transcript to last night's FBI press briefing:

Podcast on the San Bernardino investigation:

Today's Whitehouse press briefing on the San Bernardino investigation:

Local gunshop today was busier than usual and sales are brisk. For those having a current concealed carry permit, the wait time for the computerized instant background check verification was 15 minutes. With 19,827,376 instant background checks performed thus far, 2015 remains on pace to break the record for instant-checks in a year. In order to pass 2013’s record of 21,093,273 checks there need to be 1,265,897 checks in December. December hasn’t seen fewer than 2,000,000 checks since 2011.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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