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3 December 2015, 14:21,
Been working my way through the TV series survivors for the last couple of weeks(70's version)found it quite good until the start of series three when it all went a bit gung ho and silly , must have missed it when it was first aired(no video's back then) as I was an outdoors kid all year round in the 70's den building , bird nesting , cycling , footie , tag , british bulldog , cricket , swimming fishing etc etc.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
3 December 2015, 14:23,
RE: Survivors
I started watching that old series. But the hair !!! and the flairs !!!

Had to stop. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
3 December 2015, 14:27, (This post was last modified: 3 December 2015, 14:30 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Survivors
Oh I absolutely loved that series when it first came out along with Day Of The Triffids, Doomwatch and No Blade of Grass. Excellent scripts and stories by Terry Nation ( inventor of the Daleks) . Vastly superior in all forms to the politically correct, diverse, multi cultural, rainbow nation anti gun remakes. Its one of the shows that helped me think about survivalism.

It was of its time of course the good guys middle class and the bads guys working class, but the quality of the acting was superb compared to most crap on TV at the time. I believe it went slightly sour in S3 because of budget cuts and one of the two cameras used to do the filming turned out to be defective so a bit of improvisation was needed to finish it.

River, back when Robert Powell was Jesus Smile

Alf Garnett, Wolfie Smiff, Simon Templar, Penelope Keith etc Smile

It aint half hot mum, Dads army, Colditz, etc that was of course if your wonderful oppressed trade unionists allowed the electricity supply to work.

3 December 2015, 14:42,
RE: Survivors
first two series were good , I particularly liked the fact that they were very poorly prepared and hence very wasteful of there finite resources(petrol/seed/lamp oil etc etc) one thing I found a bit odd was how open everybody seemed to be to strangers , the class divide was a bit galling(to much BBC English/toff speak) not as violent as I imagine that scenario would have played out , to much sharing and kindness in general but series three swung the other way towards rollicking adventures every episode(Jeff Capes Brod character was comically bad)
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
3 December 2015, 15:02,
RE: Survivors
It was a ground breaking drama for its time, everything else was stiff upper lip, jolly good adventure type stuff, or WW2 stuff spies, POW camps etc

3 December 2015, 16:32,
RE: Survivors
Soz Brian Blessed not Geoff Capes....mybad!
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
8 December 2015, 11:32,
RE: Survivors
Not seen the TV version of No Blade of Grass (heard it was awful), but re-read the book it was based on "Death of Grass" whenever I get the feeling prepping is a waste of time. Reading this short but timely (even thought its 50 or so years old) book always reminds me that its only a matter of time until my preps will be needed.
8 December 2015, 11:50,
RE: Survivors
It was not awful but it was again very much of its time IE goodies = middle classes ( clarses) baddies = working classes it was ground breaking for its very conservative period when the showed the two females of the group being raped by bikers which after ALL recorded collapses rapes go through the roof as the scum take advantage ( like they are in the Calais camps at this moment)

Now when you compare the 1970s boundary breaking No Blade Of Grass with the utter total bloody garage that was the remake of Survivors where people even after a collapse STILL believed guns were bad and only the working class ex prisoner took up arms, but by far the most politically correct improbable and stupid bit of TV I saw lately was in either the Survivors remake or the remake of Triffids when the young pretty white female saw a 4x4 on an abandoned motorway with a young black male and she simply hopped into the vehicle and drove off with him as though she was catching a train. I asked at the time to every female I knew would they just jump into a vehicle with a complete stranger EVEN in this actually culturally divided country that pretends we all live in a tolerant peaceful, divise multi cultural society. NOT ONE said yes.

I wonder how many people who visit THIS forum ( all 3 of em Smile ) how many would arm themselves one way or another if a societal collapse occurred?

9 December 2015, 10:51,
RE: Survivors
Lets face it NR, the only reason law abiding citizens do not arm themselves is the fear of violence perpetrated upon them by their government and their employees called Police, who will violently attack you and rob you of your freedom if you do not bow down to their will.
9 December 2015, 11:11,
RE: Survivors
Amen to that TH, I just read yesterday about a guy who stabbed a thief with a kitchen knife after the thief burgled his home, tried to steal his car and threatened the home owner with a hammer, Cops / CPS still trying to prosecute him for protecting his family.


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