12 December 2015, 11:22,
prepper operator
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Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
Do you believe this Global warming / Climate Change / New ice age theory stuff?
Personally I do not but am interested in others views.
IF and I do mean IF Climate change was REAL and not an excuse to increase taxation then surely those in charge just like the rest of us would not wish to die or see their children suffer, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO surely if Climate change WAS real and not just some cyclical event then the very first thing those running the world would do is;
1 Ban Leisure Air Travel
2 Limit the MAXIMUM numbers of vehicles allowed on any given countries roads.
3 Stop building NEW Coal oil and gas powered energy plants.
But they do not do even those basic common sense high priority tasks that are the MAIN causes of emissions apparently changing our climate.
No they are NOT even attempting to address the main supposed factors, oil powered vehicles, Planes and power stations / factories etc they are just poncing around, talking shop whilst flying first class from climate talks 5 star venue to climate talks 5 star venue and apparently the answer to climate change is RAISING TAXES, Building MORE Cars, More Planes, More Airports, More Power stations, so personally I think its just a money raising scam.
12 December 2015, 11:43,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
12 December 2015, 11:51,
prepper operator
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
Five times MORE CO2 in atmosphere in Jurassic period,
correct me if I'm wrong but MORE CO2 in the air = MORE plant growth and more CO2 take up ??
12 December 2015, 11:59,
Tartar Horde
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
No it's utter bullshit, but the thing is they are being very sneaky with words. Climate change is very real and has been occuring for countless millions of years, man made global warming on the other hand is bollocks, and is used as an excuse to control the industrial output of the World, and of course as an excuse to tax you for the privelege. Consider this 125,000 BP there were Hippopotamus in the river Thames, alongside Lions and Elephants and the climate was sub tropical!! all long before man made factories and cars, and this is only one period, I could give you evidence for many more. The climate will continue to rise because we are in whats called an interglacial period between ice ages. There have been many Ice age interglacials as geologists and Archaeologists well know but you will never see them on TV telling you this oh no best not let the Cat out of the bag.
Ps a Hippo canine was found beneath trafalgar square during works being carried out.
12 December 2015, 12:07,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
I believe climate change is just a natural cyclical process, these same experts today talking about global warming were only 15 years ago telling us we were heading into a new ice age???
12 December 2015, 12:17,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
I believe it and I want it all , sun power , wind and wave power .
if im wrong and its just the way our world works SO WHAT I want a clean world for everybody , we cant just go on the way it is .
schools in inner citys now being built with windows that wont open see the smog vids in china and india THAT ALL OUR AIR.
with the bric countrys wanting a western lifestyle , theirs just not enough stuff to go around.
what will happen war over oil , water , food , ect ect , just look at the middle east over the last 20 odd yrs oil war after oil war.
is sunna turning hippy .... no ....
Survive the jive (youtube )
12 December 2015, 14:05,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
I believe in Climate Change, wife's Canadian cousin (Susan Crockford) is a world authority and writer on Polar Bears and how climate change is affecting them.
I think that anyone who dosent think that mans actions are not affecting the world climate is being very naïve and short sighted.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 December 2015, 14:14,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
A very contentious topic NR, a good one for a wet December day in a year that is likely to have the highest average temperatures ever recorded for the UK.
Climatic change is a fact, it is part of the natural process of the earth, depending on a vast array of conditions ranging from cosmological (Earths position in relation to the sun), geological (The dispersion or concentration of the continents ), organic (the kinds and concentrations of life forms) and numerous other factors.
These influences have caused and will cause the climate to change, sometimes over millennia and sometimes dramatically over just a few decades.
For me it is not a case of is the climate changing and what is causing that change, it is how fast is the climate likely to change, how is that going to impact us all and what is best way to prepare me and my family if I need to.
Personally I made my mind up a long time ago as far as the effects we are having on the planet and what that means for our future survival as a species and anything we can do to mitigate the impact the better.
All of the big fossil fuel based industries along with their investors have too much loose to consider allowing governments to make any meaning full or binding agreements to reduce the use of polluting energy, leaving the rest of the world's population to suffer the costs.
If you can get to a viewing of 'This changes everything' it is worth a watch, gives a different angle on things.
12 December 2015, 15:53,
prepper operator
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
To mitigate the factor is easy, but we as a species simply do not have the will, Or much vaunted leaders proved that today when over 200 of em plus negotiators, translators, archivists, researchers, lawyers, advisers etc all flew to Paris on luxuruy jet planes living it up on the finest French cuisine to make an agreement about an agreement to consider addressing climate change.
What to stop global climate chance its easy
1 STRICT population limits on every country
2 No leisure air travel
3 Strict limits on how many vehicles can use the roads in every country
4 No more oil, coal or gas fired power stations.
Until that is what our leaders talk about we know its not worth the effort. EG We are building a NEW gas fired power station with scrubbers to remove the bad stuff, CHINA is building one new coal fired power station with no emission controls every week
WE in the west see the average size of families falling to people only having one or two kids that the parent can afford to raise and care for themselves. Meanwhile in other parts they breed children non stop but have no meals to raise, feed and care for them, so they desetify or destroy their homelands then head for OURs.
The point is our leaders are simply taking the piss out of the people, they wont even face up to the simple hard and undeniable facts because they would not get elected again.
12 December 2015, 15:54,
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RE: Is Climate change REAL?, Is it a THREAT?
By looking at the ratios of carbon isotopes in atmospheric CO2 it has been proven that the increase is from fossil fuels, not some mystery natural phenomenon. Atmospheric CO2 levels are also rising 200 times faster than at any point in the last 650,000 years.
CO2 levels have been higher in the past, the atmosphere was very different then, able to support very different life-forms. When was the last time you saw a 4 foot dragonfly ? Sadly it might not be able to support our life-form.
A few years ago the oil company shills were constantly writing that only 97% of climate scientists agreed that man was causing the problem, I don't see them claiming that now, they've shifted tack onto "2 Degrees is safe" instead. This is crap, the 2 Degree figure is not suggested as "safe", it has been suggested as "possible". I'm not sure it is possible, people prefer to cling to any denial rather than change their own comfortable lives, so they'll keep on consuming.
I see the same from other addicts - many times I've heard smokers say "everything gives you cancer nowadays", " my Granddad smoked 40 a day", "you've got to die of something". Fat people say "I'm fat and happy", alcoholics say "you don't live longer - it just seems like it".
It's incredibly easy to convince people that doing nothing is the best course, witness the amount of people who didn't take their kids for the MMR jabs after a newspaper published a faked report. No amount of information subsequently printed could convince them that the MMR was the sensible option - they thought it must be a cover-up.