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Barter a Skill
3 January 2016, 20:59,
Barter a Skill
Following on from BP's posting, I was struck by one or two of the items on the list. One of them was the instruction to teach someone else a skill you have mastered. It got me wondering what I could use as a skill to barter with. This is my list:

I know how to break and train horses to saddle and harness.
I have been gardening for years - things grow for me. I know how to assess my ground and how to garden by the seasons. Whilst you can never guarantee success - some things are in the lap of the gods - I have the knowledge to feed myself and my family.
I have a fair knowledge of herbs and their medical uses.

I wonder if there will come a time when such skills will be useful for bartering. In this hi-tech age of iphones, smart watches and other dinky gadgets I do wonder if people would cope with having to revert and learn the basics of survival. I'd like to be able to shoot (although OH says he will teach me); and I would like to be able to field dress and skin an animal. No, I'm not squeamish.

There must be an good spread of skills held by members of this Forum. Would you consider bartering your skills?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
3 January 2016, 21:46,
RE: Barter a Skill
Yes i would barter my skills...Carpenter by trade but an all rounder with regards building in general, i have refurbished a corn/grain grinder ...real old bugger this can be driven by a stationary engine via a belt ...which i have two ...Lister D types ..(can be run by Steve's tractor) or a water paddle wheel with enough volume or even a off a wheel of a car ....jacked up of course , its my intention to train up my grandsons ....if i can get the buggers away from them bloody PS4's
4 January 2016, 09:22,
RE: Barter a Skill
usual skills that probably wont be any use post shtf:
clerical: wages clerk, bookkeeper, office manager, storeman.
biker, hgv driver, van driver, crewbus driver, forklift operator.
others: gardener, grower, shooter, archer-bow and arrow maker, forester/woodsman/coppice. basic-very basic-carpentry skills, hand sewing, cook, scout, tracker, main skill SCAVENGER.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 January 2016, 15:02,
RE: Barter a Skill
I'd be more than happy to barter my skills in exchange for some other skills or item. Already doing that though.

After an event I wonder what would be my skillset. Lord Destroyer of the known Universe might have limited appeal as a barter skill.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
5 January 2016, 11:38,
RE: Barter a Skill
I see gaining knowledge and skills as a very important part of my prepps, you can end up with absolutly nothing materialy, but still have something to build from if you have the knowledge and skills to do so.
I'm always keen to share and barter my skills and to take the opertunity to learn from others.
5 January 2016, 12:53,
RE: Barter a Skill
Thread making
It would be handy if as many preppers as possible got themselves onto basic introductory courses for stuff like in the list below, the more skills we pick up the better our chance of surviving are, we dont need to be experts in stuff just basically competent in trad skills that catch our eye.

Needle maker
Tanner / Tanning
Shearing / Fleecing
Animal husbandry / Veterinarian
Black smith
Copper smith
Tin smith
Williow weaving
Tool sharpening / Toolmaker
Wood lathing / turning
Brush making
Rope making
Sail Making
Saddle maker
Barrel maker
Bow maker / Bowyer
Arrow smith
Boat builder
Midwifery / Nursing
Alchemy (medicinal)
Alchemy (Black powder maker)
Plumbing / Hydrology
Brick Layer
Joiner / Carpenter
Stone mason
Tile maker / Brick Maker
Hunter / Fisherman
Miner (minerals) / Geologist / Driller
Telecoms / radio telegraphy
Electrical / electronics engineer
Boiler maker
Wheel wright
Welder / riveter
Food preserver / bottling/ canning/ tinning / salting/ drying / smoker
Candle Maker
Bee Keeper
Brewer / distiller
Glass maker / blower
Rope Maker
Mill stone cutter
Brick maker
Food Fish breeder
Charcoal maker
Thread maker
Lime render plasterer
Quicklime burner
Map maker
Paper maker

5 January 2016, 12:54,
RE: Barter a Skill
Dunno why the text go misplaced, sorry.

5 January 2016, 12:55,
RE: Barter a Skill
I'm going to do a two day intro to driving a steam loco later this year Smile

5 January 2016, 16:20,
RE: Barter a Skill
you've been driving people loco for years!!!............boom boom.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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