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Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
17 January 2016, 18:27,
Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
Yes i think anyone would have some worries and deep concerns with what is going on all around the globe, Wars, immigrants, financial markets, bird flu,Ebola, shortage of homes,getting a mortgage, getting a job,keeping a job,prices of heating,prices of electricity,feeding your family ,food bank reliance,paying the rates, paying the rent,state of the NHS and the complete imbeciles running the can pick any party ....makes not a jot of difference ....any of the above Will effect you in some way ...and the list is small..there is enough day to day ordinary stuff to occupy us and keep us busy just paying our way and keeping our heads above water, But this list or some parts of it turn people just like YOU and I into preppers / survivalists WE seem to sense or know better than most or just feel SOMETHING is WRONG or not quite right....these views of ours stem from (in general) main media news television, radio, newspapers and the internet ...but the best of all our experience of day to day living and seeing what the real reality is from our own perspective you either think things are fine or things are shit or maybe a mix.

A common view i see ALL the time is CHINA is a far off place ...who cares what's happening there busy watching stuff here in the UK.... USA who cares nothing to do with us here in the UK......ITALY , SPAIN, GREASE,IRELAND,PORTUGAL,SYRIA and on and on WHO CARES ? it does not effect us here in the good old UK...and the common answer is " well can't do much about it anyway" this excuses you not have to worry about stuff you can't control it follows WHY should we waste time even giving it a second thought....Baltic dry Index......never f..king heard of it mate....Derivatives ?...WTF you on about ? Bail ins sorry....The thing is this ....most people are to busy thinking about what happens in their world What effects them and only them ...its enough for them ....can't blame them ...after all they are busy getting on with life and their personal survival ....The trouble with it... IS... these stupid bastards .....will present us with a BIG BIG PROBLEM down the line....they will become STUPID DANGEROUS bastards who will want ALL the preps you have so then they become NOT SO STUPID bastards after all.

Weather You of I like it or not ....makes no never mind ...what happens anywhere around the globe right now could trigger anything to kick off TSHTF far flung places Will matter and effect ALL ....even here in in Abercwmbucket.

So what say you ....(if you can be bothered muster up a reply )
17 January 2016, 18:48,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
The worlds economies are way to interlinked for the effects of any problems NOT to be felt here, 90% of the clothes and footwear we wear come from China, much of our electronics come from China and its satelites. One just has to look at things like the middle east when things go bad, suddenly 10,000,000 of Jeremys friends decide they want to enrich our lives by moving here and destabilising our societies, The lefties of the EU are dragging us to oblivion from the disastrrous EURO to the Open borders, to the unelected burocrats making our laws, we used to laugh at the europhiles stupidity over butter mountains and wine lakes, but today those same assholes are bankrupting us whilst taxing us to death whilst making it a far more dangerous place to live. The yanks are a danger to us because of their economic issues if they dont get compliance and suitable terms of trade from other countries they inevitably attack it directly or indirectly. Then coming close to home Jeremy and his chums want to build multi billion pound nuclear subs but not put any nuke warheads on the ICBMs, they want to allow sympathy strikes, flying pickets, closed shops and other idiocies most people thought died out in the 70s, the tories meanwhile keep pouring money into the pockets of their old school tie chums whilst doing nothing to stop the colonisation of the UK by middle easterners. I feel about as optimistic for my safety as a 12 year old German virgin stood outside Cologne railway station.

17 January 2016, 18:59,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
Oh look thanks to the EU doing nothing to stop Chinese steel being dumped in Europe whilst secretly subsidising French, Polish,German and Italian steel plants we see yet another 1000 jobs to go at UK Tata steel, so another 1000 skilled steel makers end up on the dole and the UK moves one step closer to being utterly reliant on imported steel, if we were not in the EU we could tell the Chinese to sod off and compete FAIRLY with our steel plants.

17 January 2016, 19:02,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
So thanks to Blair and the Unions in the 90s and noughties and the Tories today, and the EUs policies over 1000 families will find themselves struggling to survive in already impoverished areas which creates more deprivation, more crime, more desperation and drives ordinary people into the hands of the far right and far left seeking a way out. Making our OWN AFFORDABLE, Reliable, Cost effective, Steel, Trains, Planes, Ships, Cars, Trucks IS good survival policy.

17 January 2016, 19:56,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
Of course it all matters, SS. At the moment though, most people are not seeing all the seemingly unrelated threads as part of a whole problem. They will once things start to impact on their lives. But we. as people with more foresight and knowledge can at least mitigate the impact on the lives of ourselves and our families. I do agree though that the reaction of many is that "it doesn't matter to me", which merely confirms my long held belief that there really is no cure for stupid!

By the way. has anyone noticed that little article about a think tank proposing that the £75,000 of Government protection be removed from savings accounts in Banks? Time to start withdrawing any monies held in Banks methinks!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
18 January 2016, 10:01,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
There is always something to worry about but then we would be dead of stress by the time we are 20.

What we do is identify there is something to worry about, buy an insurance policy, we prep, and then we don't have to worry that much.

Anything else leads to ill health and a wasted life.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
18 January 2016, 11:05,
RE: Is there any reason to worry or panic here in the UK
I like to be aware and informed on global events then i dont have to WORRY about being caught out.


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