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3 September 2016, 17:48,
What do you guys make of Nibiru ?
3 September 2016, 18:09,
RE: nibiru
Err. Just come online after a few days ill. What/Who is Nibiru? Some details please.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2016, 20:12,
RE: nibiru
Old story, they just keep changing the year....

The waxing obsession with Nibiru, which conspiracy theorists say is a planet swinging in from the outskirts of our solar system that is going to crash into Earth and wipe out humanity in 2012 — or, in some opinions, 2011 — shows that an astonishing number of people “are watching YouTube videos and visiting slick websites with nothing in their skeptical toolkit,” in the words of David Morrison, a planetary astronomer at NASA Ames Research Center and senior scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute and NASA Lunar Science Institute.

Morrison estimates that there are 2 million websites discussing the impending Nibiru-Earth collision. He receives, on average, five email inquiries about Nibiru every day. “At least a once a week I get a message from a young person ― as young as 11 ― who says they are ill and/or contemplating suicide because of the coming doomsday,” Morrison said.

The idea that doomsday will result from a planetary collision was first proposed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, a self-described “contactee.” Lieder claims she has the ability to receive messages through an implant in her brain from aliens in the Zeta Reticuli star system. On her website, ZetaTalk, she stated that she was chosen to warn mankind of an impending planetary collision which would wipe out humanity in May 2003. (When no such cataclysmic event occurred, Lieder’s followers chose 2012 as the new date for the Nibiru collision, which coincides neatly with other doomsday prophecies focused on the ending of the Mayan calendar.)

The biggest missing link in the doomsday prophecy is Nibiru itself. Because no giant, rogue planet has been found in the outer solar system to play the role of Nibiru, some conspiracy theorists have decided that a small comet called Elenin, which will pass nearest Earth in October 2011, is actually Nibiru. Even then, though, scientists say Elenin will come no closer than 100 times farther than the distance from Earth to the moon.

“The fact is that these folks are constantly changing their story,” Morrison wrote in an email. “For some, Nibiru is no longer the Sumerian god or planet that is supposed to be returning to Earth in late 2012. It has become a catchword for almost any cosmic catastrophe.”

Internet rumors about Elenin began spreading earlier this year. Its approach to Earth was blamed for shifting the Earth’s axis by 3 degrees in February, precipitating the Chile earthquake, then shifting the pole even more to trigger the Japan quake in March. “Ignoring plate tectonics as the cause of earthquakes, they suggest that the comet exerted strong gravitational or electromagnetic effects on our planet,” Morrison wrote.

When scientists pointed out that the comet is a mere 3-mile-wide glob of ice with no magnetic field and that it won’t even pass very near Earth — and that plate tectonics, not comets, cause earthquakes — rumors began to circulate that NASA was withholding information about Elenin.

“Ironically, the inconspicuous nature of this comet plays into some of the conspiracy theories,” Morrison pointed out. “For people who are convinced the comet did cause the earthquakes, this proves that Elenin is not a comet at all, but a much more massive, and dangerous, interloper.” Conspiracy theorists began speculating that the comet is Nibiru in disguise — a planet or even an enormous brown dwarf star.

In fact, Elenin is a textbook comet; it has visible “coma,” or nucleus, and a long tail made of vaporizing ice. If it were a brown dwarf, “it would not have a coma or tail, because the gas cannot escape from an object with substantial gravity. In addition, if it were massive we would be seeing its gravitational influence on the orbits of the planets, especially Mars and Earth, but there is no change in these orbits,” Morrison wrote. “Finally, if it were a brown dwarf it would have been easily detected in various previous astronomical surveys, including the recent WISE infrared mission, even when it was still in the outer solar system,” he wrote.

The fact that the comet isn’t headed our way is overlooked by most conspiracy theorists, while others say its path is going to change. “[Some] websites suggest that the comet is accompanied by a giant UFO, which controls its orbit,” Morrison told us; in effect, who cares if Elenin doesn’t seem to be headed in our direction — it’ll be steered here.

Distinguishing truth from lies

Morrison offered some advice to those who are interested in astronomy or are worried about impending collisions. “If [a story] is real, it is likely to be in regular news media, not just posted on some website,” he told us. Furthermore, “not everyone who claims on YouTube to be a scientist or an employee of NASA is. But there is no simple way to distinguish truth from lies.”

The Nibiru conspiracies are so nonsensical that Morrison wonders whether even their purveyors believe them. Because many websites sell Nibiru books, tapes and even “survival kits,” Morrison thinks they are purposely taking advantage of people who aren’t able to distinguish credible sources from crackpot ones. “This is especially a problem for young people, which is why I am so angry at those who target children,” he said.

Read the entire story from Natalie Wolchover at!

Posted by: Soderman/NLSI Staff
Source: Natalie Wolchover/

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
3 September 2016, 22:26,
RE: nibiru
(3 September 2016, 17:48)Ali Wrote: What do you guys make of Nibiru ?

This is just conspiracy bullshit, The theory goes, that world governments are busy building underground bunkers(some truth here). To survive an impact by a supposed 'lost planet',(No truth here).

As usual, the conspiracy theorists, have spun some true facts with mostly crap. I mean, why have we not heard about this 'lost planet', from anyone in the fairly independent astronomy community. If there were any real evidence of a 'lost planet' this would be pretty mind blowing news no ?.

As it is there is no real 'evidence'. Not that I can see anyway, others are welcome to go slowly nut's digesting all the conspiracy websites for new 'evidence' ...:-)
3 September 2016, 23:12,
RE: nibiru

Fellows, it was supposed to hit in 2012.

So if it is out there, it missed!

But the speculation lives on.

There was one survival forum over here that kept their Mayan doomsday 2012 section open until early 2015 because it was one of the most popular sections of discussion they had.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
3 September 2016, 23:35,
RE: nibiru
So in answer to the question. Some of us may have been concerned and they are now relieved while the others were blissfully unaware. I doubt any prepping, even government run ones, would survive that.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2016, 23:47,
RE: nibiru

"The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,[4][5] founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. "

She has obviously missed her medication appointments with her community psychiatric nurse...or needs to make an appointment to see one fast.
4 September 2016, 11:57,
RE: nibiru
Super fun! Love these stories. As we would be unlikely to survive being whacked by a rogue whatever-it-is. not sure I'm going to spend too much time worrying about it. (Too much weeding to do in the garden).
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
4 September 2016, 15:26,
RE: nibiru
I am waiting for Hillary Clinton to make her proclamation that we have entered into a nonaggression pact with the EBEs and that we are going to exchange prisoners, sending them the surviving Roswell captives and their descendents, in exchange for beaming down the earth abductees... When the Roswell descendants are returned to their home world half of the Democrat caucus will be gone and the Republicans will be assured a majority in the Senate...

[Satire mode now turned off]

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
4 September 2016, 15:37,
RE: nibiru
NO NO Charles ! turn it back once !

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