11 March 2012, 20:03,
Vita Navitas
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New Gym Starter?
Hi Everyone
I feel I'll be dominating this part of the forum, because it's something I know lots about, and I'm really passionate about helping other people achieve their goals.
This is a motivational post to each person that hopes to join a gym but is scared or has some anxieties. This will not make you super fit. It will not help you survive in a world after TSHTF. What this post will do is let you know that you're not alone in your worries about the gym.
Nobody was ever born in a gym on purpose. Anyone that has ever been to a gym (yes even those super fit people you see walking around) has had their first time in a gym. We all start in the gym somewhere. Oddly enough, we all start at the beginning, our that first day in the gym.
Okay, so it's your first time in a gym. That's a damn scarey day. If someone says to you they weren't scared......bollocks. If you're unfit (a bit chubby, lets say) then you feel really out of place and you're scared people will look at you funny. If you're quite slender (a bit scrawney, lets say) then you'll feel equally out of place and you'll be just as scared people will look at you funny. We, as people, are self-conscious and we are mostly concerned about our appearance. There are the odd exceptions, but those people normally are not in the gym....because they don't care what people think, haha. Anyway....back to the story....the first day in the gym.
Well, from someone that used to be 17 stone of muscle, I remember my first day in the gym. I weighed in at a 'massive' 10.5 stone, at 6 foot tall, with a gigantic 28" waist. I was a beast! You know those pipe-cleaner men people make? They were more muscular than me. A friend of a friend took me to the gym, he was an enormous 5'4" tall (haha, short stuff!!!) but he had a 42" chest, and his arms bigger than my match stick legs (I'm totally serious!!!). So, I turned up to the gym looking like this guy's b***h.
When inside the gym, I had a look around, as you do. Worryingly enough every guy(it was a hardcore bodybuilders gym, so there were no women) in there was at least 17 stone or more, except Kev. But the only reason he wasn't 17 stone plus, was because he was just over 5 feet tall. However, he was still a beast!!!
After 10 years of hard training, I was one of the big guys, at 17 stone (okay, I might have been 1lb short of 17 stone.....but let's not be picky....please). The only problem was that those guys that were big when I first started, were even bigger! So I was still a runt compared to them haha.
The thing I noticed was that each guy gave me respect for sticking at it. They would joke around with me, but they saw that I was determined to achieve something. The same is true of myself. When new guys would start, loads of them would flake away and give up. Then there were the ones that stuck at it. The ones that kept going, working hard, pushing those weights to achieve something more than their friends thought possible. They worked to achieve something that was worth of their time. Those kids that started and kept at it recieved respect from me and everyone else in that gym, simply because we all knew what they were going through.
So when you get into the gym, look around and smile. Many of the people there know you're starting, but they respect your decision to take that first step through the door and achieve something worth working(out) for.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
11 March 2012, 21:06,
Skean Dhude
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RE: New Gym Starter?
I have a few home gym items at my house although I'm very disappointed with the results. I had one item that said after six weeks I would have firm abs. Three months later I was no different. I complained and they explained that it had to be out of the box and assembled before it would work. That wasn't explained in the ordering details so I took it out of the box and built it up as suggested. It looked very impressive in the gym room with my karate model and the weights. Two months later still no different and then I was told I had to use the damn thing for hours every day. Seems I have to do the same with the weights as well. Advertising has a lot to answer for.
Is there a pill being developed somewhere? Anywhere?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 March 2012, 01:20,
Vita Navitas
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RE: New Gym Starter?
(11 March 2012, 21:06)Skean Dhude Wrote: Is there a pill being developed somewhere? Anywhere?
Yep. Steroids, T3's, T5's (T4's suck, so don't bother there haha), Ephadrine (it's basically speed, but every girl I've ever done modeling with has used them), HGH (human growth hormone), IGF-1 (Insulin like growth factor), and many many more. The problem is, they are illegal, and some have negative effects on your health if you take them the wrong way. Oh, and if you're in pretty bad condition, some of them will just snuff you off straight out, cause a heart-attack or something, others can drop your blood sugar so low that you go into shock (insulin is the most anabolic, muscle building, hormone on earth, but get the timing 30 seconds wrong, and you'll drop dead).
As much as I know people will not be happy to hear this....please note the 10 years comment above. It does take time. But you'll notice a difference in 2 weeks, and everyone else will notice a difference in 2 months. If you think that you'll turn round in 2 years time and think, "Why am I not in better shape?" the simple reason will be because you didn't start training 2 years ago. So don't make that same mistake and waste more time. Get training.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
12 March 2012, 10:16,
Posts: 301
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RE: New Gym Starter?
that's a nice article S13.
I don't suppose you fancy writing one for people to work out at home with simple equipment  I'd love to go to the gym 3 times a week and work on my pipe cleaner body, I just need to find something I can cut out of the budget to pay for it. maybe I should put my birthday money towards joining for a month
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
12 March 2012, 10:25,
Vita Navitas
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RE: New Gym Starter?
(12 March 2012, 10:16)preservefreak Wrote: that's a nice article S13.
I don't suppose you fancy writing one for people to work out at home with simple equipment I'd love to go to the gym 3 times a week and work on my pipe cleaner body, I just need to find something I can cut out of the budget to pay for it. maybe I should put my birthday money towards joining for a month 
Thanks for the kind words mate.
I'll write something up about training at home. But there really is no substitute for getting away and hitting the gym.
There are some really cool 24/7 gyms available in many areas. They cost about £10-£15 a month to join. But you're much better off going to a 'hardcore' gym for a year, to learn what to do and correct form/technique.
I've known of guys (Chris Cormier, I think that's how it's spelt, but even he's done it) that have had less than perfect technique, and have ended up damaging themselves. Cormier for example ended up paralysed for a few months. He was squatting, then turned his head to see a girl in a bikini at te gym, that moved his vertebre out of line, and boom, he's in hospital. Really uncool!!!
But yeah, I'll do an article on how to better train at home.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
12 March 2012, 10:30,
Posts: 301
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RE: New Gym Starter?
(12 March 2012, 10:25)Scythe13 Wrote: Thanks for the kind words mate.
I'll write something up about training at home. But there really is no substitute for getting away and hitting the gym.
There are some really cool 24/7 gyms available in many areas. They cost about £10-£15 a month to join. But you're much better off going to a 'hardcore' gym for a year, to learn what to do and correct form/technique.
I've known of guys (Chris Cormier, I think that's how it's spelt, but even he's done it) that have had less than perfect technique, and have ended up damaging themselves. Cormier for example ended up paralysed for a few months. He was squatting, then turned his head to see a girl in a bikini at te gym, that moved his vertebre out of line, and boom, he's in hospital. Really uncool!!!
But yeah, I'll do an article on how to better train at home.
that would be awesome, thanks. yeah the decent one in my area is £25 to join and then £20 a month. that's before you pay for tuition. that's not a lot of money unless you're living on a finite amount each month with no more coming in
Do not rush to meet Death, he may not wish to see you.
12 March 2012, 11:35,
Vita Navitas
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RE: New Gym Starter?
(12 March 2012, 10:30)preservefreak Wrote: that would be awesome, thanks. yeah the decent one in my area is £25 to join and then £20 a month. that's before you pay for tuition. that's not a lot of money unless you're living on a finite amount each month with no more coming in 
Yeah mate, I know that feeling. Some hardcore gyms will let you train in exchange for cleaning up the place each day. It's worth an ask. The gym I used to go to had 3 guys that cleaned the gym a day, just because they didn't have jobs to be able to pay for the membership. The gym owners recognised what they were doing and helped the guys out.
I've done an article on home training.
Message me what you hope to achieve, size, fitness, stamina, etc, and I'll write up an article about that.
I think a few articles on nutrition will be useful to a few people too. So I'll start writing up when I get the time.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
12 March 2012, 14:21,
Skean Dhude
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RE: New Gym Starter?
I have time for 30 minutes at home where there is time but no time to get ready, travel to the gym, do my bit, get showered, get back in the car and drive home. That is why I bought all the home stuff. I doubt I'm the only one so a regime would be of interest.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 March 2012, 15:01,
Vita Navitas
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RE: New Gym Starter?
(12 March 2012, 14:21)Skean Dhude Wrote: Scythe,
I have time for 30 minutes at home where there is time but no time to get ready, travel to the gym, do my bit, get showered, get back in the car and drive home. That is why I bought all the home stuff. I doubt I'm the only one so a regime would be of interest.
That's understandable. I guess being younger and with little to no responsibility, life is much easier.
I'll write something up tonight. I'll keep it to around 25 minutes, but I'll modify it for all ages. It will be a generic program, designed to increase mostly fitness and strength. But I'll highlight spots where people wanting to build more of one specific characteristic can taylor the routine for them.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin