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Here's a bit of fun.
14 March 2012, 00:54, (This post was last modified: 14 March 2012, 01:04 by Scythe13.)
Here's a bit of fun.

There's an explosion outside. The building you're in is shaking. This is real life, and right now, where you are, with everything around you....are you ready?

A friend, family member or work mate calls you up and says we are at war and the city is being bombed! It's not nuclear, as far as you can tell. There are no signs that it's poison gas or chemical, but you can't be too sure.

Given exactly where you are right now, with exactly what you have around you, and at the time of say that is currently is.....what do you do next?
Okay, now that the scene is set, it's time to answer my own question.

Please note that it is almost midnight, and I'm in my boxers and a hoody, in bed.

First thing, the light is on, so that means there is power. However, I'm living on a main street. I'm going to need to get the frick out of here! If there are planes bombing us, they'll see the lights of the street below, then I'll be getting bombed! Screw that, I'm not on the 'to blow up' list!

First thing's first.....clothes. I'll grab a pair of shorts (floor), a couple of thermals (bottom draw), then some trousers (floor). Next, grab my paracord bracelets, then my BOB (bottom of wardrobe). After that, time to kit up.....Vibram's (shoes), stuff my sleeping bag into my BOB (sleeping bag is airing and being fluffed up to keep it's warmness), then it's car keys, hat, different hoody, and I'm out of the house.

Get into the car and drive over to AlyBear. It's a semi rural area, away from the city. However, I think I'd probably have to turn back and get some pictures on my camera phone. Once I was most of the way there, I would try to drive part way without the lights on. I'd opt for the more scenic route. Through country lanes. But it would be difficult with the lights off.

Once I get to the area, make sure everyone is okay, then all hide in the hall way until the bombing stops. Either that, or we would all go into the fields near by, turn off all lights/torches, then wait out the bombing until it goes quiet.

After that, we just wait.

The next day, if the bombing had stopped, I'd have to venture back and see the damage to the area. But always keep an eye on the sky incase of more bombing.
It's just gone midnight, I think I've probably given myself nightmares!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
14 March 2012, 10:11,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.

1) Calm down and stop drinking those energy drinks.LOL
2) I'd stay put until the bombing stops. Several reasons. It's dark and you don't know where the bombing is coming from. You could drive straight into it. The environment outside will have changed beyond recognition, buildings and roads may be damaged the air will be full of particulate debris making visibility and breathing difficult. You are as likely to die outside running or driving around as staying put, there was a reason people were given instructions to keep themselves safe indoors during WW2. Gas mains will most likely be damaged it's not difficult to imagine the consequences should there be any sparks. Staying where you are gives you several advantages. You know your immediate environment and can increase substantially your survival. You give yourself time to formulate several plans to cope with what you may face. You have time to collect your gear together if you need to do so. And most importantly, you have time to calm down and make yourself ready for what you are to face. Just my 2p's worth

Sailing away, not close to the wind.Heart
14 March 2012, 10:24,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
I would not move until
(A) I had more confirmed info
(B) The bombing stopped
© I knew which areas were being hit


(1)I have resources in house and access to radio and TV
(2)I dont know if its a bio attack
(3) I dont know if a fire storm is occuring
(4) I dont know if its an attempt to drive fleeing civilians into a killing zone
(5) Being a survivalist I've no intention of going the ame route and panic stricken sheeple

14 March 2012, 11:13,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
Well as I'm at work now the "security guard" would attempt to evacuate the building. I'd don my rather fetching dust mask and the bandanna over my face and try to hunker down in the building. They'll have more important things to worry about (all the idiots in the building) than little old me doing my own thing.

Grab the radio from the car (as long as it's not been blown up by Jerry or Ivan) and find out what's going on. Then if it's not bio I'd follow the river all the way home. There's a boat yard opposite work on the canal, so I'd "borrow" one of the small row-boats and go home. Unless my car hasn't been bombed, then I'd attempt to drive home to make sure the wife and sproglet were safe.

Although why anyone would bomb Newbury I don't know Wink
14 March 2012, 14:10,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
ERRR....this is why i stay out of cities, the nearest city is 30 miles away, the nearest Dockyard is over 40 miles away, nothing much here to bomb, a couple of garages, the filling station, deli and North Cornwall Farmers(shop), 1 bank, 1 post office and a bakers. i suppose they could bomb the industrial estate over the road, garages, map making unit, dog food place and a highways depot? anyway if it happened, get the dog and the wife into the understairs cupboard-safest place in the house and wait until bombing stops, then look out front window and see what the damage is, depending on IF i think their coming back? then and only then decide if its the time to bug out, can we go by road/car? how bad have the roads been bombed? or do we have to go out on foot/cycle across country? these are the questions we would be asking ourselves(thats the wife and me i mean)!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 March 2012, 17:10,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
I'd run out into the night naked shouting obscenities at the planes whilst also showing them my ar**
Classic distraction technique, make em forget what they were doing.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
14 March 2012, 18:20,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
(14 March 2012, 17:10)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I'd run out into the night naked shouting obscenities at the planes whilst also showing them my ar**

Again ?

14 March 2012, 18:25,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
(14 March 2012, 18:20)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(14 March 2012, 17:10)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I'd run out into the night naked shouting obscenities at the planes whilst also showing them my ar**

Again ?

you know the old saying" aim for the whites of their eyes?" i think we'll have to change it to:" aim for the whites of Mike's arse!!"TongueBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 March 2012, 19:09,
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
(14 March 2012, 18:25)bigpaul Wrote:
(14 March 2012, 18:20)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(14 March 2012, 17:10)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I'd run out into the night naked shouting obscenities at the planes whilst also showing them my ar**

Again ?

you know the old saying" aim for the whites of their eyes?" i think we'll have to change it to:" aim for the whites of Mike's arse!!"TongueBig Grin

Of all the people, I never thought you'd ever want to aim for whites haha.

No,that's not a racist joke. It's an accurate statement.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
14 March 2012, 21:21, (This post was last modified: 14 March 2012, 21:23 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: Here's a bit of fun.
Honestly the ancient celts did it in battle... Well they ran at the enemy naked with there bits flopping away.... I'll have to try it next time I have a fight ... look out for me inthe papers.... naked man chases chavs up the road bare ars**TongueTongueTongue I kinda like being naked thats half of the trouble....well thats probably most of the trouble and when your naked theres only so much you can threaten a burglar with...Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
It'd be along the lines of ello ello ello what av we got ear then??? put that Truncheon down sir... oh dear he's not got a truncheon....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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