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reakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle
5 September 2012, 17:08,
RE: reakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle
Keep your eyes open, we seem isolated from much that's happening at the moment and I don't know whether that's because we in the u.k. will and are weathering the storm better than elsewhere or whether the governments hanging on by the skin of its teeth and when the the balloon goes up here it'll be like the proverbial lead one and we'll go down very fast indeed. I cant say I've seen too many signs that make me want to "rush to the hills" just yet but who knows whats around the corner...
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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RE: reakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle - by Prepper1 - 5 September 2012, 17:08

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