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What Non Food consumables do you stockpile?
7 June 2013, 13:41,
RE: What Non Food consumables do you stockpile?
Great list, NR - and really helpful for us newbies.

I've only really been prepping six months so I don't have nearly as much stuff as you do, but it's still encouraging to see I seem at least to be collecting the right things. (I spent ages googling 'toot brushes' in case it was something essential I'd missed, but am now assuming you mean tooth brushes??) The only things I have more of than you do are salt and aluminium foil.

What I don't have are disposable razors (OH has a beard), baby wipes (but do have medicated wet wipes) or oven cleaner (at present the only oven I'll have post SHTF is a Dutch one).
I'm also not stockpiling glass cleaner, as I find water, vinegar and crumpled newspaper does the job just as well - and I have LOTS of vinegar.

What I'd add to your list:

Over the counter drugs (from aspirin and ibuprofen to immodium, TCP and Optrex)
Prescription drugs (including generic antibiotics). I have 3 courses of 4 different antibiotics so far.
Medical supplies - dressings, burn gel, syringes, needles, sterile emergency kit etc
Prescription glasses (I don't need these but my OH does)
Cheap reading glasses - you can buy a pair of these for £1.99 at Pound shops and I have 20. (I need these, and so do lots of people if it ever comes to a barter situation).

Fuel - various. I have diesel, car oil, fuel tablets for my camp cookers, methylated spirits, and 48 butane canisters so far. Nowhere near enough, but it's a start. I also hoard wood, though I haven't yet got the woodburner to go with it!!
Also batteries - mainly AA and AAA (torches, radios, my security camera etc). I have 72 of each so far.

Hoarded semi-rubbish, like newspapers and cardboard. It's so easy for us now to talk about cheap ways of doing things 'just using newspaper' - but where's the newspaper going to come from post SHTF?

Gardening - Lots of Heritage seeds, obviously, but also slug pellets, compost starter, wire, twine, and heavy duty polythene. I know I need more, but again it's a start. Round here, the slug pellets are especially a must.

Construction/maintenance - Sandpaper, nails, screws - and washers of different sizes.
Duct tape and gaffer tape.
Spare blades for the Stanley knife. (6)
Wood preservative - only 5l so far but will definitely need more.
Long term I think I'll need some kind of cement or mortar mix, but I know absolutely nothing about these things and think it'll have to wait until OH comes on board.

Light bulbs!!! - Sounds ridiculous, I know, but I'm getting a couple of big solar panels fitted next month and there's a chance I'll be able to use them. Put it this way: it's an invention that changed the world, and is something I won't be able to make myself in a post SHTF environment. Why not stockpile it while I can?

Gloves - I have 5 pairs of heavy duty rubber gloves, 30 pairs of latex, and 12 pairs of 'non-latex light'. It's not to keep my hands beautiful, but because if we suddenly move into a different mode of living many of us will quickly develop cracks and sores in our hands which can get infected in a minute just by digging them into soil.

Sanitation - 5kg hydrated lime. Again, I know I need more.

Sewing - 6 reels of strong button thread. (Not enough, but it's as far as I've got)

Paper - OK, I'm a writer and to me it's an essential, but paper has always been valuable in primitive societies, and I have 10 reams of it stashed.

That's all I have at present, but tomorrow I'll read a new post on these boards and start collecting something else...


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RE: What Non Food consumables do you stockpile? - by Little Lou - 7 June 2013, 13:41

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