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Can we Re-Build Civilisation after Collapse.
29 April 2014, 15:57,
Can we Re-Build Civilisation after Collapse.
There appears to one or two items on the Internet recently following on from Beyond Collapse: Surviving and Rebuilding Civilization From Scratch by TJ Miller.
The basis of these articles appears to be on how to Re-Boot civilisation after the collapse although it is thought it may take many years and time lines appear to about 100 years or so.
Let me stress that it would in all probability be impossible to revert to anything like we have now and although it is admitted that we may well be able to have some electricity in the initial years continuing that would probably be impossible.
The main things to consider in this are:
The numbers involved in both the initial die-off and the following die-off from starvation, cold and medical problems etc. So therefore the number of survivors.
The fact that we are a specialised civilisation and no one how to do everything. This point is made very eloquently in Leonard Read’s 1958 essay written from the perspective of one of our most basic tools, ‘I, Pencil’. The astounding conclusion is that because the sourcing of raw materials and production methods are so dispersed, there is not a single person on the face of the Earth who has the ability and resources to make even this simplest of implements.
The fact that many, if not all of the raw materials that allowed us to become as developed as we are will no longer be easily and readily available. Coal and oil to mention just two. And so we will not have the energy to mine substances. Many of our non-renewable materials are already at or near expiration date.
This is one book in question.
Although I agree with some that is mentioned I do not see that it is going to be possible to get back to anything like the level of civilisation that we have today.
You serious and thoughtful comments appreciated but I suggest you have a look at both of the above and do some research, like reading I pencil before you reply.

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Can we Re-Build Civilisation after Collapse. - by John - 29 April 2014, 15:57

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