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Secret Food Plants
23 June 2014, 21:02,
Secret Food Plants
Oh dear. Silly me. A little neglect and laziness has resulted in my front garden needing redoing.

The plan was, and still is, to have food plants hidden in plain site. Previously I had spinach, dandelions and the alike, growing there, cultivated, and looking like weeds, but tasting delicious.

Redoing it now, so keeping the Spinach for sure, as it's well established and the next crop should be massive!

What other plants would you recommend?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
24 June 2014, 05:56,
RE: Secret Food Plants
My front garden is mostly down to herbs as most people walking past don't have a clue, but also have had some leafy greens in there such as spinach, card and red beat for leaves, as most people just see them as part of the greenery, you could also grow peas along with sweet peas, sun flowers (just a pretty flower), welsh onion, Alpine strawberries.
This site might give you some ideas.
24 June 2014, 08:44,
RE: Secret Food Plants
we have wild strawberries, squash, raspberries and gooseberries growing in the front garden(the rhubarb died so will have to get a replacement) but it "looks" like such a green jungle and they are mixed in with non food plants and bushes, I don't think anyone else is much the wiser
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 June 2014, 10:32,
RE: Secret Food Plants
Nettles? Nasturtiums and chard all blend in
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