27 February 2015, 12:20,
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d i f f o...rip
just wiped my info off diffo for good , shame that site is closeing down I will miss it.
is this site going the same way , with sd not taking on any new members [anybody know why..?] I hope we can sort this site out and keep it going.
any ideas
Survive the jive (youtube )
27 February 2015, 13:12,
Posts: 153
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Joined: Mar 2012
RE: d i f f o...rip
Well one or two points.
First it is SD’s site so he does what he wants and also probably what he can spare the time to do.
Yes the main site is still a blank page and the files site is still an ISP issue being investigated. The file site is probably in bail?
The other thing is that people come and go for various reasons together with their opinion of what is posted. Is it what they expect or want? If not they don’t bother with the site. Some of what is posted is not really anything to do with survival or prepping if you prefer and some goes off topic quickly.
Yes with the main site down there is nowhere for new members to sign up but I think the type of stuff being posted needs to be improved before that would make any difference. Hence I rarely post.
I have just sat down with a cup of coffee before I go back to the grind stone to type this but I wonder if really is worth the bother.
Lastly it is like a lot of other sites. So you take from the site what you want and dump or ignore the rest.
You may get some idea from posts that are looked at but no one makes any comment.
I don’t really know why I am bothering to post this but I though you may like an answer. The posts with just links and no decent comment are a complete put off.
Have a nice day old chap.
27 February 2015, 13:39,
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RE: d i f f o...rip
just keep it prepping and survival related, no rants about politics and perverts and stuff like that, nothing we can do about that so keep it to the stuff we can do something about which means prepping, survival, self sufficiency, homesteading/small holding and other such headings. if we can do that and get the site back to what it started out as, once SD has sorted out the main page maybe just maybe we can get some new members but it will all depend on the content and quality of the posts. a rubbish site will attract rubbish people.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 February 2015, 17:03,
Posts: 1,731
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RE: d i f f o...rip
could one of the mods find out why the main page is still down and why their seems no intrest at the top to bring in new members.
Survive the jive (youtube )
27 February 2015, 18:36,
RE: d i f f o...rip
As john points out posts with links .....I hate them also ...ok some my well be of interest , I feel the author uses a link ...for ease ..and time saving and in fact someone elses view .....I am not saying they are not relevent and have no place here ..but they seem to stifle any well thought out descussion .....as BP rightly points out keep posts prepper related ....most of all a bit of repect for whom ever is posting ....if you do not....this is the result ......NR ....LS...S13.....HL ....just for starters I miss them all...people of Worth......gone.... we all played a part here , we have now got what you now see before you now not bloody much at all, exactly what we all deserve.......its a crying shame........and for those who I have missed out of members who have gone west ......come on back you are needed urgent ........I may make a come back myself.........someone just shouted please don,t.
27 February 2015, 18:51,
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RE: d i f f o...rip
I for one would welcome you back SS, always looked forward to your posts, hope everything okay on the home front, watcha been up to??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 February 2015, 19:21,
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RE: d i f f o...rip
(27 February 2015, 13:39)bigpaul Wrote: just keep it prepping and survival related, no rants about politics and perverts and stuff like that, nothing we can do about that so keep it to the stuff we can do something about which means prepping, survival, self sufficiency, homesteading/small holding and other such headings. if we can do that and get the site back to what it started out as, once SD has sorted out the main page maybe just maybe we can get some new members but it will all depend on the content and quality of the posts. a rubbish site will attract rubbish people.
Yep well said, some of the crap posted in recent months is of no interest to any of us, the more prepping related it is kept the more interest there will be in the site and the more debate there will be.
(27 February 2015, 17:03)Sunna Wrote: could one of the mods find out why the main page is still down and why their seems no intrest at the top to bring in new members.
You need to PM SD to find out the answers to that, the MODS know as much as you do....
But I agree that we need an easy way for members to sign up.
(27 February 2015, 18:36)Straight Shooter Wrote: As john points out posts with links .....I hate them also ...ok some my well be of interest , I feel the author uses a link ...for ease ..and time saving and in fact someone elses view .....I am not saying they are not relevent and have no place here ..but they seem to stifle any well thought out descussion .....as BP rightly points out keep posts prepper related ....most of all a bit of repect for whom ever is posting ....if you do not....this is the result ......NR ....LS...S13.....HL ....just for starters I miss them all...people of Worth......gone.... we all played a part here , we have now got what you now see before you now not bloody much at all, exactly what we all deserve.......its a crying shame........and for those who I have missed out of members who have gone west ......come on back you are needed urgent ........I may make a come back myself.........someone just shouted please don,t.
Good post SS and welcome back, I hope you've got things back on track at home.
27 February 2015, 19:46,
RE: d i f f o...rip
Many thanks BP and DEV .....things are coming good at home....but will be a long haul for mrs ss but hey! She is home! And I get to sleep easy ..at last !
27 February 2015, 20:49,
Posts: 1,402
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RE: d i f f o...rip
Shame it's closing down, although I can't say I spent much time on the site. Perhaps we can pull this Forum back up to fighting form. Yes, S, welcome back - hope you are o.k.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
27 February 2015, 22:47,
Posts: 3,493
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Joined: Nov 2012
RE: d i f f o...rip
Dawn still posts on her blog daily and welcomes comments.
Anyone interested in self sufficient living, without the politics and perverts, can go there and learn a thing or two.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.