2 January 2017, 22:03,
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Predictions for 2017
Following on from the tumultuous (and interesting) events of 2016, would anyone care to stick their neck out and make a few predictions for 2017?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
3 January 2017, 04:14,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
I see the shenanigans of Russia calming down leading to a reduction of the concerns of Europe over the situation in the Ukraine and Baltic.
Not due to fear of any actions Trump might take but due to increased common sense diplomacy reducing much of their justified irritations.
Syria will calm down and Russia will sign a long term Treaty agreement with Syria which will give them a warm water port on the Mediterranean for the first time in history.
Russia will also come to an agreement with Turkey allowing them to overfly Turkey (a NATO nation) for access to their new port. That will be the payback for the assassination of their ambassador.
The terrorist attacks all over Europe will continue but they will not hit the UK with any ferocity. You might have a few lone wolf things but no intense organized attacks. They want to consolidate Europe first and intend to overcome UK resistance through internal legislation.
Here in the U.S. we are working on legislation to have a year around open hunting season on Liberals. A special license will be issued, called a Tramp Stamp, and will have a picture of Hillary on it just like the Federal Duck Stamp for hunting ducks and geese has a waterfowl. The tax revenues are expected to be the largest single revenue spike in our nation's history.
Most of our unemployed will be put to work building a huge fence similar to the one that separates North and South Korea, since that one seems to work although some say that none will.
We are also looking into chartering a bus fleet to transport all the folks that claimed they would leave our country if Trump won the hell out of here. Like all Liberals, they proved to be consummate lairs and are failing to fulfill their promises.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
3 January 2017, 04:25,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
Thanks to an ineffectual US foreign policy for the last 8 years, the world is closer to nuclear war than it has been since the Kennedy administration.
North Korea will have ICBMs capable of reaching the US west coast within 2 years.
Iran will have a viable nuclear weapon within 2 years and already has missiles capable of reaching Israel, Turkey and Greece.
Russia will take Ukraine and prop up Syria as NATO stands by impotently.
Trump is a hot head who distrusts our intelligence establishment and will literally shoot from the hip while learning through on the job training.
Dangerous times lie ahead for us all.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
3 January 2017, 16:12,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
In the UK:
BREXIT will strengthen the will of the British people, who's grandparents and great-grandparents survived "The Blitz", to "blitz" many of their ungrateful "Asian" refugees back to whatever 3rd-world crap-hole they came from.
"No-go zones" will evaporate in cities in the UK.
Other European countries will look at the UK, regain their own sanity, and refugees will seek refuge back from whence they came.
The EU will collapse, thus putting several thousand unelected bureaucrats "on the dole" in Brussels.
Italy, Spain, France, Greece, New York and California will all go bankrupt.
Central banks will realize that they are no more able to "bail out" bankrupt countries than they could "bail out" the RMS Titanic with a teaspoon.
The IMF will be given a weekly 30 minute comedy show on the BBC.
Scotland will vote for independence. Kilts and eye-shadow will be the new national dress (lace under-panties will be an option).
The "Stone of Scone" will refer to the effects of a new and very powerful marijuana species that grows prolifically in the "Highlands", promotes mental paralysis, and replace single-malt Scotch whiskey as the "drug of choice".
In the USA:
Hillary Clinton will become use to a new wardrobe of the stylish, one-size-fits-all, orange jumpsuits, with "Department of Corrections" tastefully inscribed in black ink on the back!
"Mooch the Wookie" will file for divorce from B.H. Obozo on the grounds of classic fail and terminal embarrassment.
CNN will merge with the Cartoon Network and televise "Loony Tunes" cartoons 24/7/365, thus vastly increasing their audience ratings.
The entire White House Press Corps will apply for unemployment, having been replaced by Twitter tweets.
On major networks, "talking heads" will roll.
US corporations will be "strongly encouraged" to return home and get back to business. US corporations not responding to this "encouragement" will find their market share dwindling to a negative number. CEOs will once again be reminded that karma is a bitch (and probably a rabid pit-bull with AIDS)!
All-in-all, it promises to be an interesting year!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
3 January 2017, 18:09,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
Jonas, I LOVE your optimism. If the Stone of Scone is successful, please send all the whisky over here for MB and I to share and we will drink to your good health and prosperity!
Slainte agus buaidh gu brath Le Gillean Chabar Feidh
Cabar Feidh Go Brath!
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
3 January 2017, 19:39,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
Hilarious, Jonas! I wish!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
3 January 2017, 23:31,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
Best one yet Jonas!
I did note a few days ago that on PBS they have begun doing interviews and political momentary against a black backdrop while wearing black or navy blue suits, which give the effect of a huge talking head suspended in a void.
I do not know if it is for comedy effect or to simulate the "Great and Powerful OZ".
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
4 January 2017, 00:57,
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RE: Predictions for 2017
They intend the Great and Powerful OZ gimmick, but it comes off a bit of Monty Python trying to play straight man...
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
9 January 2017, 21:12,
RE: Predictions for 2017
All i see is the UK being overtaken by ....events...on a global scale....many of which we participate in and are in league with and when it all go's Boom we (and most of the planet ) will have to deal with the consequences....of a few but mostly ordinary everyday people just like us will pick up the tab as we always do.
A total RESET of all monetary systems globally Will Have to take place simple as that ....it will not be pleasant, most if not all people everywhere will loose everything...i doubt i will see my old age pension ....as if that would save me....after they do a bail in anyway NO my vision is limited and confined to the fact i had the good sense to join up here......i am prepared very very well, and i suspect YOU are too .
I threw out a fair bit of stuff over the past two months....Daughter...." dad look at all that stuff WASTED " No not wasted i say its just that part of the insurance policy has run out ! .....I WILL REPLACE IT with a new one is all..."Yeah but nothing has happened ? and i have doubts anything will" .....As you all will be aware these words we all hear....A LOT....until that is .....tshtf.....ask yourself which house you would like to stay in sweetheart ? ......silence .....
10 January 2017, 17:47,
Posts: 733
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RE: Predictions for 2017
I agree with Straight Shooter that we will have a world-wide economic "reset", probably by September, and I'm planning accordingly.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!