Nothing to see here.....look over there !
Well i have just about had a tit full of the main media here in the UK ....and even imports from America ....and Europe , and have now lost any belief on the main media Stage....the WILL of the people, BREXIT, TRUMP and now how to reverse the VOTE of the people .........antics of the so called Elite have been mobilised into battle to overthrow a fair democratic voting system.. They.... failed to fiddle this time ...Cameron failed to see it coming...then the Americans feeling much the same as us here in the UK just had enough of the lies and bullshit and VOTED for Trump.
Are the American people right ? in a word Yes they voted for it in the land of the FREE
so can someone....anyone explain WHY is it all the Main Media in the USA , UK, and most of Europe are gunning for TRUMP in the normal scheme things Americans get behind their President and run with it.....i have NEVER seen so much contempt for a new president ....this does not follow the will of the people that Voted BY MAJORITY for this change to take place, so WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE that can control and steer such a furious sustained attack on a President, and over here you got this little silly man who told us that we could be attacked with weapons of mass destruction maybe in a matter of days (being kind here) has now stood up and trying to insight people to VOTE AGAIN on Brexit and reverse it to STAY IN .....sound familiar.......So its war then
Prepping is even more important than it ever was if that is possible.
Although this site holds lots of treasures within its many files for anyone to look at and for which it was designed .....i do miss the banter and participation of members who have gone quiet or worse plain gone , for newbies or i might say wanabies , things have changed since the day i signed up here, repeating some information or posting on a familiar theme can be trying on the patience and become boring even BUT not if your new to it.....this can and does lead to arguments discussing a subject over and over just leads to bad tempers and no new knowledge being gained.
So for you new to prepping or thinking of doing so .....DO IT ....and start NOW ! or you could end up like me .......Posting stuff not really prepper related and things i have not the slightest control over....but i tell you this ....i DO have TOTAL control of how i prepp and have just about all i need ...that is down to this site and the members that live within it past and present, stay true keep the faith you can achieve most all you desire .