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Kids Bug out bag
9 April 2012, 01:32, (This post was last modified: 9 April 2012, 01:42 by Timelord.)
RE: Kids Bug out bag
What if you can not reach or aquire your BOL or recover any of your caches? What then?

( I did not say there is no space in the UK, I said it is densely populated and so has many many buildings & resources that can be utilized. )

I respect your plan, it is a good plan. I recommend it wholeheartedly & do not disagree with it. It is just not the only plan/scenario that may occur. What happens then is what I am wondering?
I was not suggesting I would join all the other refugees, I was merely pointing out that game for hunting may be in popular demand by all the displaced persons - many of who may head for the hills themselves. I also pointed out that visting farms & anywhere else may be dangerous, but this was in respect of finding much needed food. I am not knocking the cache/bol system, I am asking what if you can't use it.
An alternative example is that I choose to Bug In. If after a period of time elapses and then I can no longer safely stay at my Bug In location and I have to Bug out, then I will be carrying my Bug out Bag. By this stage, I will not be sure wether I can reach any predetermined BOL's or caches or anything - as the road may be an unknown place by then. I may become a refugee wether I like it or not, but I certainly won't be following the herd.
9 April 2012, 10:33,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
I think that both perspectives are equally valid.

Currently, due to lack of BOL, I'm planning a longer term system.

But in fairness, I totally agree with both views on this. I'm curious though why a BOB would then be any different from a GHB, if it's just enough stuff to get you to your BOL? I'm sure you could travel much further carrying a smaller amount of items than if you carried a lot! In which case then kit should be space blankets, food, water, and FAK. Maybe a change of clothes. I couldn't see much more being needed if you're just going to be BOL.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 April 2012, 11:13,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
(9 April 2012, 10:33)Scythe13 Wrote: I think that both perspectives are equally valid.

Currently, due to lack of BOL, I'm planning a longer term system.

But in fairness, I totally agree with both views on this. I'm curious though why a BOB would then be any different from a GHB, if it's just enough stuff to get you to your BOL? I'm sure you could travel much further carrying a smaller amount of items than if you carried a lot! In which case then kit should be space blankets, food, water, and FAK. Maybe a change of clothes. I couldn't see much more being needed if you're just going to be BOL.

In my position you would maybe have to add the weight of a 7 year old child to your GHB as much as all my kids are fit he will not keep up,

remember the cost of every step you make equal more food and water needed, x7 for me, add to that say -10+ temps your need more food and water then a summer bug out,

I am not bugging out anyway I will move out and that is not blind I can't afford to bug out to many people to care for, plus I believe it would only lead to death.
9 April 2012, 13:55,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
WnC, given your position, with kids, I get why you view the kits differently.

My position has totally changed since AlyBear and me are not together. The first thing I did was to drop the tent from my BOB. I'll carry the extra weight to make her comfortable, but I'm okay with ponchos. Same goes for many other items. Dropped second sleeping bag, and inflatable mattess....and loads more. My kit has gone down to about 30% of what I was carrying before.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 April 2012, 19:49, (This post was last modified: 9 April 2012, 19:54 by Timelord.)
RE: Kids Bug out bag
I would just like to clarify that there is not two perspectives on this. I have tried to point out that I am not putting up a different version of a what a Bug out Bag is and that I think it is superior or not. That is not what I have written. I do actually agree with you W&C on your strategy. BOL's & Cacheing is a very good system and I am not knocking it. I in fact recommend it for those that it suits. What I have been at pains to address this debate with, is the simple question I keep asking - What is your prep plan for if you can not reach/aquire your planned BOL or Bols and also for if you can not retrieve any caches?? Do you have one or is it game over at that point? This is not a debate about one system or another or mine is better than yours. It is a fundamental question about a preppers level of planning. Does a prepper stick ridgidly with one plan/system come hell or high water or does he/she have a back up plan in case the first can not be achieved?
My original post was answering the specific questions asked about how one would achieve a whole list of things, eg carrying a multitude of kit & surviving from a BOB - It was not to propose a rival system.
Bugging out is not always going to be an open option. Sometimes it will be stay or die... If as stated the intention would be to bug in/stay at home and then if going elsewhere later this would not be a bug out but actually a move that is not blind.... Is this not bugging out from your home? It would seem it to me & if it is done PSHTF, then you could not guarantee anything once you hit the road.
I do not recall a set of rules that says a BOB is just for getting you to a BOL. As someone else said, a GHB may do just fine for that. (that is their opinion by the way)
These definitions will be interperated slightly differently for everyone. It does not really matter. What matters is a preppers level & associated awareness of prep risks. We must all be careful not to advise inexperienced new enquiring preppers that our individual system is the one true way.
There are no guarantees and having any kit should not be relied on.

I will leave it at that on this thread, as I can not keep asking the same question in debate. I respect your views and experience & wish only the best for all. Sincere regards, TL.
That should read "stay & die or bug out" in paragraph 2.
9 April 2012, 20:46,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
I think it best said if I had to bug out with my family I would hate to think all I had was a bag of limited kit to keep us a live, I re word my claim that a BOB is for reaching a BOL and cache placements, and change it to "for my needs" I would class my BOB as a tool to get me and family to safety and that would be a place of re supply, if my re supply was compromised then that would lead to another story, to which I have not prepped for.

I would then add I feel I could not keep myself and family alive with just the contents of our BOB's and I tend to focus this on UK winter season, I can't be 100% sure I would fail as the will to live humans can do amazing things, I just dread the thought of ever having to find that out.

9 April 2012, 20:57,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
I think you are a brave & resourceful man. With your level of knowledge & prep experience, you would be better placed than 99.99% of the population & I am sure will deal with whatever is thrown your way. Expanding this emergency knowledge is why we debate these issues on here. Thankyou for your valued input, regards, TL.
9 April 2012, 21:47,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
WOW, that's a really smooth transition of discussion. Also, well done to both TL and WnC for seeing both side of the story and learning and viewing each others perspectives without getting uptight or defensive. You have both genuinely impressed me. Also, I've learned a load as well!!! Nice one guys, thanks.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 April 2012, 00:08,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
sometimes we can't see things differently that's when we sometimes make the worst choice
hope we can all learn from TL and W&C
to win the war, you must be willing to die
10 April 2012, 10:26,
RE: Kids Bug out bag
Two different requirements and thus two different solutions. We learn from the discussions and adapt both to fit our own specific requirements.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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