12 July 2013, 02:23,
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
(11 July 2013, 07:47)River Song Wrote: I reckon the Jonas post has covered quite a bit of the ER scendiarios
but if you are providing general medical stuff as well you will need to consider.
a. URTI - Upper Resp Tract Infections, bronchitis, pneumonia etc - that kind if stuff. Think antibiotics and chest clearers whether natural or chemical
b. The Bottom Bits - Diarroea leading to dehydration etc.
c. TB - We are already seeing a resurgence of this in overcrowded situations.
Get plenty of sunlight and/or Vit D
d. Cholera - Post TU if power and sanitation goes, Cholera will break out.
There are oral vaccinations available now - go get some
River Song, as you've probably guessed, my experience is mostly trauma medicine. I have to think more on the meddical side. Thanks!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
20 August 2013, 12:18,
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
I guess it's one of those 'you don't know what you don't know' things.
I did an emergency care course about 15 years ago which was aimed at outdoors activities such as climbing camping etc, and was very good a two day course and was about £115, but that covered things like possible broken bones, sprains etc to falls from height bleeding, puncture wounds and foreign body wounds from sticks etc. but as has been said the course was designed at what to do to stabilise the patient until help arrives, ideally a shtf training course needs to be about what to do when help isn't coming and how to deal with these things yourself
20 August 2013, 13:41,
Grumpy Grandpa
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
That's the plan Bonnox. It a lot slower that I would have liked but it is coming together. I'm a bit surprised actually, to see that I only started this thread at the beginning of July - it feels as though it was much longer ago!
It does seem however, that for practical reasons, this may end up having limited, more local availability. What about you though? You don't say in your profile where (or roughly where, everyone has OPSEC concerns,) you are but you sound as though you're in a much better position to deliver such a course to other members than I could ever be. What about it? Wherever you are, RV's/meets can and are being arranged and a lot is being gained from them. The topic is always up to those attending so why not the delivery of such a course? It may take time, trust is always an issue and that has to be gained, to be earned but if it is, I'm sure many members could gain hugely from your experience...
21 August 2013, 00:37,
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
I'm in the barnsley area, and don't mind providing some training in trauma first aid, I wouldn't profess to being an expert but I am more than happy to pass on my knowledge if it would help anyone, even if it saves 1 life come shtf then it will be a good thing
21 August 2013, 01:38,
Grumpy Grandpa
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
[quote='Bonnox' pid='67350' dateline='1377041837']
I'm in the barnsley area, and don't mind providing some training in trauma first aid, I wouldn't profess to being an expert but I am more than happy to pass on my knowledge if it would help anyone, even if it saves 1 life come shtf then it will be a good thing
Well done, that man! As I said though, trust has to be built, to be earned but the first way to do that, is to keep posting and let others get to know you. When members feel they know you better, they will be more inclined to trust you. Then, you can suggest a meet with any members in your area and I'm sure there will be plenty! Other RV's/Meets have worked well, the West of Scotland Group is strengthening apace and the 'Hound[s] of the Baskervilles', have gained much from the time they've spent on Dartmoor.
Let others get to know you, then suggest offering the benefits of your experience to them. If I'm right (and I hope I am, given the need shared by all of us for any increase in medical knowledge,) there is the potential for new contacts, new support and new learning.
(Shit! That was a pile of guff, wasn't it? Shouldn't have had that wee brandy earlier...  )
5 September 2013, 09:55,
Lanky Yankee
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
If I was running a 1-2 day course on SHTF medicine i would cover.
Basic anatomy and physiology (know whats normal)
Basic Vital signs (Respiration rates, pulse checks, and capillary refill)
Pharmacology including some herbal and essential oils
Hygiene (very important)
Bleeding/Wound care (cleaning,sutures,after care)
Cannulation/rehydration therapy (mainly for dehydration)
Fractures(using sticks and rags)
General infections and treatment
Obviously you could have a very long list of things but to be honest most of the medical problems in a SHTF situation can't be dealt with unless you have a lot of medical knowledge and the right equipment. Riversong has it right when talking about a close population with poor hygiene, just look at refuge camps and the outbreaks they get there.
As for most common medical problems (respiratory, cardiac, diabetic, etc), they can't be treated long term. Once the meds run out they will probably die off.
5 September 2013, 10:43,
Grumpy Grandpa
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
Hi LY. To be honest, I wondered on your intro, whether this would be something you might be interested in doing, just as Bonnox is and as I'm working to arrange in Scotland. To my mind, there ought to be a lot of interest, given that post a major event, there may well not be any help coming and the alternative of watching loved ones die needlessly doesn't sit well.
I meant what I said in Post 25 to Bonnox, in spite of the last sentence, (that was just because I thought it sounded as though I was preaching!  ) When others feel they know you a bit more, they'll be more likely to trust to a meet...
5 September 2013, 14:17,
Lanky Yankee
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
Thanks GG. I've been thinking about this as well of the last couple days since I saw the post. Not sure what to do with it yet. I think I could come up with a course and text, but might take me a couple months to get it all figured out. The list I gave in my post was just off the top of my head, but it really got the old cogs twirling in my head.
5 September 2013, 14:59,
Grumpy Grandpa
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
Good man!
5 September 2013, 15:28,
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RE: SHTF First Aid Courses
(21 August 2013, 00:37)Bonnox Wrote: I'm in the barnsley area, and don't mind providing some training in trauma first aid, I wouldn't profess to being an expert but I am more than happy to pass on my knowledge if it would help anyone, even if it saves 1 life come shtf then it will be a good thing
A first aid meet would be really good imo. I will keep my eye on the 'RV's & meets' posts.